What is the correct way to spend the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve?
There can be only one!
There's a weird limbo week between the festivities of Christmas and New Year's Eve. There's not yet been a clearly-defined name invented, but it's definitely got a feeling, you know?
Here's what we want from you... Obviously, some ways to spend time in that in-between period are better than others. Which way is, for you, objectively the best way to spend those few days between the holidays?
Let us know! Or, select other, and tell us in the comments section below!
Between Christmas and New Year's Eve, I...
What is the correct way to spend the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve?
Your Result...
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A Christmas Story - Fudge
I Love Lucy - Wreath
Looney Tunes - Merry Tweety
Betty Boop - I Want it All
Betty Boop - Define Naughty
I'm celebrating Hanukkah this week! Hanukkah does not always fall the last week of the year. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar so the date is different every year.
Clean, only 9%. I always used the week between Christmas and New Year's because I had the time off work. I'm retired now but still use the last week of the year to do the most house cleaning.
I make sure all my bills are paid so I start the New Year w/ no leftover debt. Think I got the idea from "Flower Drum Song".
70% similar. Watch lots of tv, but also watch movies and read. The tree doesn’t come down until the 12th night or Epiphany. No real reason just something we have done since having a fake tree.
30% similar...I picked work. Fun, fun, fun. Lol😄 Except this year I did take a day off in between. Have to recuperate from the ham and kielbasa, the Polish Christmas. 😉