What is Vincent Price advertising?

This time, the Price actually is right!


He's well known for his mastery of the horror genre, but Vincent Price was a mainstay of many commercials from our childhood! In this quiz, we're taking moments from commercials that Price has appeared in, and it's up to you to guess what he's selling!

  1. What is Vincent Price advertising?
  2. What sort of food is Vincent Price advertising?
  3. What is the name of the candy bar Vincent Price is advertising in this commercial?
  4. What is Vincent Price advertising?
  5. What is Vincent Price advertising?
  6. What mail order book service is Vincent Price offering?
  7. What is Vincent Price advertising?
  8. What Association made this Vincent Price commercial?
  9. What brand is Vincent Price advertising?
  10. What is Vincent Price advertising?

What is Vincent Price advertising?

Your Result...

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Fred_Clampett 3 months ago
I remember when he pitched Hangman. I wanted it because VP pitched it.
scp 4 months ago
Eight out of ten.

Wasn't Price also involved with some kit that allowed you to make shrunken "heads" out of carved apples?
Tresix 4 months ago
9/10, missed #4. Some of these look like they may have been for regional products (“No Jelly” candy bars?).
WilliamJorns 4 months ago
10 out of 10 right. Heck, on some of them I just guessed. I vaguely remember seeing some of these ads way back when in the 70's. I just forgot what he was selling.
CouchPotato987 4 months ago
I didn’t do very well…☹️
Most of these commercials look like they were made in the 70’s, before I was born. I do remember Vincent Price making Kodak camera 📷 commercials in the 80’s, however. That’s about all I remember…lol
MikefromJersey 4 months ago
"You got 8 out of 10. You were so great, Vincent Price is snapping a picture of your victory!"

One of Abbott & Costello's best co-stars.
Tresix MikefromJersey 4 months ago
For all of 30 seconds.
MikefromJersey Tresix 4 months ago
Egg-actly. Bud and & Lou would be saddled with stiffs, to provide romantic
subplots as unhip Universal execs felt such nonsense was needed to balance the movie and
appeal to the ladies. See "One Night In The Tropics" where the "suits" strongly felt
A & C were only fit as supporting characters.
The reviews and public proved them wrong.
So Price in one 30 second bit made every horror fan and and movie maven laugh and get more
enjoyment than all the aforementioned "stiffs" in all the other A&C movies did.
Runeshaper 4 months ago
8/10 Lots of guesses LOL Vincent Price = LEGENDARY

You were so great, Vincent Price is snapping a picture of your victory!
JayBurd 4 months ago
8 of 10....I remember a few of these.
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