What was your favorite album from 1974?

What did you love to hear in this super special year?


What was the greatest album of 1974? Who knows? But you can probably tell us your favorite! 

'74 was as important a year as any in music history. Plenty of great releases came out that year. We want to know which one struck your fancy the most. Which one of these albums did you have in heavy rotation back in the day? Or maybe there's a choice here that's since grown on you! 

We're hoping this poll sparks some great memories, maybe some you'd like to share in the comments section. Do you remember where you were when some of these iconic records debuted? Which did you buy? Which did you borrow? And how many of these albums are still sitting in an attic somewhere? 

  1. Which of these 1974 albums was your favorite?

What was your favorite album from 1974?

Your Result...

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19611313 10 hours ago
Where's Jim Nabors? Or Red Sovine?
Or Tiny Tim?
Casanova41 9 days ago
I just can't get enough of "Dancing Queen."
Coolrain 15 days ago
It was a toss-up between the Eagles, Rolling Stones, and Lynyrd Skynyrd. I had to go with Lynyrd Skynyrd Second Helping. While I didn't have most of the albums, I had the 45s from a lot of them.
Lynn 1 month ago
Good gravy, I was an odd kid! I didn't have a single one of these back in the day, and I was in high school.
Shaniack77 1 month ago
America's album from 1974 entitled Holiday
NJUKGAL 1 month ago
So many to choose from. Can't believe all of the 0 %'s! Went with Bad Company but could have gone with one from at least 25 others. As I mentioned no Chicago VII or Gordon Lightfoot?? Discounting live and compilations, more picks from Steeleye Span, Renaissance, Bonnie Raitt, Labelle, The Pointer Sisters, Rod Stewart, Brian Eno, Mick Ronson, Robert Palmer...
mpr4christ1980 1 month ago
None. I was born in 1980, but I did listen to the oldies growing up. So while I probably wouldn't enjoy any particular album released in 1974, I would certainly like some of the greatest hits from back then. I've always preferred songs by a variety of artists.
ClassicTVRocks 1 month ago
I got 70% Similar, My favorite album from 1974, Joni Mitchell, Court and Spark, My older sister bought it for Me, I was 11 years old. I still take the album out and listen to it every now and then.
RoyBoy48 1 month ago
Where is Montrose or Nazareth?? Your list is rather lame.Joni Mitchell really???,no Deep Purple either,lame list.I was there!
RoyBoy48 RoyBoy48 1 month ago
J.Geils Band,lots of great Rockers are missing.
mhc RoyBoy48 1 month ago
it's not lame -- just too many and mixing genres, i never heard of montrose and not a fan of nazareth--plus have several of these albums--bad list
snoops71 1 month ago
Barry White. One of the first albums I remember. 20% matched my pick.
grandpa5741 1 month ago
I Love You Linda Ronstadt, that voice is from heaven. 👍
TheFanFromUNCLE 1 month ago
Chicago VII. A masterpiece from beginning to end. This album is so much more than I've Been Searching So Long (which is a great song!).
Absolutely! A super work from a super group.
Another great group
NJUKGAL TheFanFromUNCLE 1 month ago
Yes, totally agree. Great mix of jazz, rock, ballads and more. Wishing You Were Here, sigh. RIP Terry, Carl and Dennis.
19611313 1 month ago
I voted for Red Sovine's Greatest Truckers songs.

He told me his name and I told him mine, and he said the name of my rig is...Phantom 309.
lmahabhashyam 1 month ago
I’m Leaving It All Up To You Donny and Marie
mhc lmahabhashyam 1 month ago
that's a cover that ia all thye sang no original songs for d & m
Kramden62 lmahabhashyam 1 month ago
It was originally a #1 hit for Dale and Grace on the Jamie-distributed Montel label. That hit the top the very weekend my sister was born in November 1963 (right before JFK's assassination, in fact).

But I did like Donny and Marie's remake of "I'm Leaving it All Up to You" *much* better than the original Dale and Grace version. D&M's remake sounded much livelier.
mistermike69 1 month ago
Technically, KISS by KISS came out in 1973. Hotter Than Hell came out in 1974. I'm a giant KISS fan, but I have to go with Pretzel Logic by Steely Dan.
gockionni mistermike69 1 month ago
Wanna hear something crazy? I saw KISS in 1976 at an outdoor concert in Tempe, AZ. They were the headliners at a three group event, and just as they hit the stage, dark clouds rolled in (it was at night but you could still see those threatening clouds as the stars disappeared), and thunder and lightning ensued…it was freaky deeky indeed!
RoyBoy48 mistermike69 1 month ago
They played Evansville,Indiana so much I thought they were local.
Snickers 1 month ago
100% similar. Give me The Eagles and Hotel California any time
Kramden62 1 month ago
I chose other. My favorite album from 1974 had to be the "American Graffiti" soundtrack, which I now have on CD. Since I was just 12 in 1974, I didn't see the movie itself until it was rereleased in the spring of 1978 (it was great). When my Dad (may he rest in peace) and I took a trip to California in 1981, we went on the Universal Studios Hollywood tour and saw the part of the lot where "American Graffiti" was filmed.
NJUKGAL Kramden62 1 month ago
Yes! All Summer Long by The Beach Boys.
Kramden62 NJUKGAL 1 month ago
Also: "American Graffiti" was my introduction to all the great oldies of the 50's (before I was born) and early 60's (I was born in April 1962).
Lynn 1 month ago
Out of this lot, "Heart Like a Wheel". Surprised myself a bit.
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