What's the creepiest Twilight Zone episode?

Vote for your frightening favorite!

 CBS Television Distribution

You're traveling through another dimension — a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: a poll about The Twilight Zone!

We're interested in what you think. Here's what we'd like to know: What is, in your humble opinion, the creepiest episode in the show's original run? Was there one episode that gave you the heebie-jeebies more than the others? Give it a vote!

Here's the thing: We can only display so many episodes. So we've collected Twilight Zone stories frequently cited as "the scariest." If we've missed yours, don't fret. Just include it in a comment down below to see how many like-minded viewers agree!

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  1. Which of these episodes was the creepiest?

What's the creepiest Twilight Zone episode?

Your Result...

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RobertK 14 hours ago
I chose "Nightmare at 20,000 feet". That creepy ape thing with the big lips scared the "Shatner" out of me when I was a kid! 😬😕😨
cperrynaples 1 day ago
None of these answers are correct! The right answer is Queen Of The Nile! As far as Twenty Two goes, it claims the prize for WORST episode IMHO!
Crisco 1 day ago
For me the New Exibit. Didn't see it coming to where man ends up in a cage like at the zoo.
cperrynaples Crisco 1 day ago
No that's People Are Alike All Over! The New Exhibit is where Martin Balsam becomes a serial killer!PS If you can't spell the title,don't pick it! As the old saying goes,Better to be silent and look stupid then speak and prove it...LOL!
Tresix 2 days ago
I chose “The Howling Man”, which is currently at 11%. That makes me 20% similar.
Moonpie 3 days ago
The New Exhibit!
cperrynaples Moonpie 1 day ago
At least YOU know how to spell...LOL!
sagafrat69 3 days ago
I voted for "Living Doll" but after careful consideration would like to change my vote to "The Hitch-Hiker". The best episodes are the ones with a little twist at the end that maybe you didn't see coming. Very tragic end with Inger Steven's suicide in the early 70's. Avery talented actress who had so much more to give.
Snickers 3 days ago
100% Similar. Picked "The Living Doll" but my favorite is "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet".
Bone1969 3 days ago
Night Call. 20% similar.
Fun Fact: It was supposed to run on November 22nd,1963 but canceled for reasons obvious to anyone my age!
Ajax 3 days ago
The Hitch - Hiker. 15%
cperrynaples Ajax 1 day ago
NO HYPHEN! Spelling it that way looks stupid, which is why these guys chose it...LOL!
ironman2000 3 days ago
I picked "It's a Good Life". 20% similar.
frenchman71 3 days ago
"T he Howling Man" . To see a human transform from a human to the devil, seeing his horns come out of his head and his ears becoming pointed. "You will remember this night for the rest of your life, Mr Ellington"
Believe it or not, the actor who played Ellington is STILL alive! Can't remember his name but he did do the Radio Zones!
His name is H. M. Wynant and he's 97 years old.
texasluva 4 days ago
I picked these Three:

1. Living Doll- OMG it's Talky Tina (a doll) and you better not mess with her. Tina not only talks the talk but but gets her revenge against the nasty father 🤪-

2. The Hitch-Hiker-Yep it's him alright. Every town he's on that corner waiting for his ride from you. You can drive lickety-split for miles on in but he's there again. How the hell is this happening? Who is he and what does he want? You'll see, Going my way? 😳 Chills. First time seeing it I was too scared to see him in the back seat of the car. More or less I didn't want to know-

3. It's a Good Life- Sure it is if you want to be sent to the Corn Field. Little Anthony he's a good boy you know, isn't he? Better just wish good thoughts or else you too will be next on his termination list. Scary thought when a 6 year old controls what's left of the world 😬
KJExpress 4 days ago
Lots of creepy episodes. I chose "Night Call" just because of that creepy voice on the phone and because I had a similar dream of something like that once. 😱
texasluva KJExpress 4 days ago
And Your Mobile Number is 🙄

KJExpress texasluva 1 day ago
Tex! Did you see today's quiz on clowns? I think you should be very brave and take that quiz. It's not very scary. You can do it! 🤡🙈🤡🙈🤡🙈
texasluva KJExpress 1 day ago
Very funny. What happens when I put up American Psycho in the coming weeks for you to enjoy. 🤳😳😕😄
KJExpress texasluva 1 day ago
Well you know what's going to happen. Absolutely nothing. 😂😛
Ratt1959 4 days ago
Living Doll - 100% similar
Though, I found "The Outer Limits" much more creepy than the "Twilight Zone".
Snickers Ratt1959 3 days ago
Totally agree. Big Big fan of the "Outer Limits".
Crisco Ratt1959 1 day ago
True Dat!and one step beyond.
MrsPhilHarris 4 days ago
I don’t really find any episodes very creepy but if I had to pick it was a toss up between The Hitchhiker and The Dummy, so I picked The Dummy.

Dummies are kind of creepy to begin with. They seem to have such grotesque faces.
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