Which character appeared in the most episodes of M*A*S*H?

Test out your M*A*S*H knowledge by guessing who appeared on the series the most.

M*A*S*H ran for an incredible 11 seasons during the 1970s and 1980s and ranks as one of the most popular television shows of all time. Like many great series, an extensive and skilled ensemble cast was necessary to aid in its success. 

Captain Benjamin Franklin Pierce and Major Margaret Houlihan appeared in every episode of the series — an amazing 251 episodes. With those two out of the question, which character below appeared in the most episodes of M*A*S*H

Test our your knowledge of the 4077th. Good luck! 

  1. Which character do you think appeared in the most episodes of M*A*S*H?

Which character appeared in the most episodes of M*A*S*H?

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DerekBird 48 months ago
You guessed Maxwell Klinger
You guessed right!
Klinger appeared in 215 episodes, more than anyone else in this quiz. We're not quite sure how many times he wore a dress though...
DonShontz 61 months ago
thats wrong margaret didnt appear in all,there was one episode it only had hawkeye and a glimpse of radar,it was the one where hawkeye was in a jeep accident and had a possible concussion,radar appeared at the end but u only see a glimpse of him
DerekBird DonShontz 48 months ago
You're right. I distinctly remember being in "Tokyo" learning new procedures or whatever the reason was that was given for her absence.

From Wikipedia:
Character Name Actor/Actress Rank Position # of episodes
Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce Alan Alda Captain Chief surgeon 256 episodes.

Character Name Actor/Actress Rank Position # of episodes
Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan (Penobscott) Loretta Swit Major Head Nurse 239 episodes.
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