Which of these vintage bands deserve their own jukebox musical?

Do they give Tony awards for rocking out?

 Everett Collection

If you're a fan of old music and a theatre geek, a jukebox musical is a dream come true! It's a musical, but all of the songs are written by your favorite artists! We've compiled a list of some of the more iconic bands of the previous decades, and you've got to decide which discography lends itself best to a musical!

  1. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  2. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  3. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  4. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  5. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  6. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  7. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  8. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  9. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?
  10. Which of these bands are you giving a jukebox musical?

Which of these vintage bands deserve their own jukebox musical?

Your Result...

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grandpa5741 5 months ago
60% similar, Rock On Baby 🎸🥁🎤🎹🎶🪇🪕
justjeff 5 months ago
60% similar, 'cause as always... taste is subjective...
JHP 5 months ago
I cannot stop laughing!! (this is like John Masters conducting the Boston Symphony )

was this quizmaster on Red Bull and Jagr?

The Clash doing a musical (AND I HATE musicals - they are to theater like a twinkie to great homemade bakery)

Led Zeppelin doing one? Huh?
KISS doing one? Maybe now - they are playing Native American casinos (and I love the band)
what about 9 inch Nails? (snicker snicker)
what about any Zydeco band (love the music)
how about Twisted Sister?
how about Alice in Chains?

Mama's and Papa's "Monday Monday":)

thank you Me-tv for letting me vent
justjeff JHP 5 months ago
Evidently you've never seen any *good* musicals like "West Side Story, "The Music Man", "Bye Bye Birdie"... that's like saying drama is to the theater like a comic book is to a novel... I repeat, taste is subjective...
JHP justjeff 5 months ago
Agree to disagree :) Some like cream cheese - I LOVE Blue Cheese
some can watch soccer or golf (on tv) - That's why God made caffeine
justjeff JHP 5 months ago
Point taken... but forgive me... it's bleu cheese...😉
JHP justjeff 5 months ago
its cool - but I am from the Cheese state:)
Coldnorth justjeff 4 months ago
Well Jeff, May I add my 2cents? It is blue and disgusting tasting so really, blue or blue = stinking and awful tasting cheese.. phew, I feel better now.sorry Jeff, haven’t commented lately and couldn’t help it
Coldnorth Coldnorth 4 months ago
lol spell check got me again spelled it the same way, blue. Well I tried
Zip 5 months ago
30% similar.
I was pretty much doomed from the start as far as similarities go. They had to put The Police in there on the first one. My favorite band.
FLETCH Zip 5 months ago
Don't stand so close to me.
Zip FLETCH 5 months ago
Must I be a man in a suitcase?
JHP Zip 5 months ago
Outlands 'd Amour
JHP FLETCH 5 months ago
Loud Music - light up floor - spinning mirrored ball and vodka gimlets:)
and then came a Barry White tune - "It's Ecstasy When You Lay Down Next to Me" ( can you imagine a tune like that today?)
Coldnorth FLETCH 5 months ago
Some of the songs the Police had were stalking songs. I’ll be watching you, is very creepy
Bapa1 5 months ago
90%, I like LZ, but I'm a big fan of the Police. Seen them and later Sting in concert.
JHP Bapa1 5 months ago
Sting is brilliant - why was he named Sting ( I know it)
JL1965 5 months ago
Hmmmm Left out The Rolling Stones ? WEAK VERY VERY WEAK
CortneyNicole JL1965 5 months ago
The Rolling Stones were good, but they just forgot it.
frenchman71 5 months ago
80% similar. #4 was a tough choice...Doors or Fleetwood Mac. I picked The Doors.
cperrynaples 5 months ago
Hey MeTV, ever heard of Beatlemania...LOL! I would LOVE to see an Elvis Costello musical! I would call it Emotional Facism, the working title of Armed Forces!
Or Graham Parker? He already has a stage-ready title, Temporary Beauty. It could provide unlimited opportunities for local girls.
Coldnorth cperrynaples 5 months ago
I have to admit, Beetlemania never applied to me. Not that fond of them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I’m sure a very small percentage of people agree with me and that is perfectly fine with me
19611313 5 months ago
1% similar!
Coldnorth 19611313 5 months ago
Hey! You are getting better, you didn’t get a 0%. I’m proud of you. Wooooohooooo!!!!!
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