Which sitcom character does not belong?
Find the odd one out on these famous ensemble casts.

Some of the best sitcoms in TV history owed their many laughs to extraordinary ensemble casts. From Cheers to M*A*S*H, these characters worked so well, their shows stretched on season after season.
Here, we put your love of those ensemble casts to the test. Think you can pick out the one character from each sitcom below that does not belong, and never appeared on the show?
We've mixed in actual characters from other sitcoms and spin-offs to try and fool you, but we have a hunch you could I.D. all these characters in your sleep. Only the most loyal sitcom viewers can score 8/10. Good luck!

Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'The Andy Griffith Show'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'M*A*S*H'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'Cheers'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'Happy Days'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear 'Taxi'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'Mama's Family'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'The Facts of Life'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'Saved by the Bell'?
Can you pick out the character who did NOT appear on 'The Love Boat'?

Which sitcom character does not belong?
Your Result...
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The Goonies Playing Cards

Svengoolie® T-Shirt

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

Women's Svengoolie® T-Shirt

I Love Lucy - Lucy Lines

Batman - Since 66

Gwengoolie™ Gaze T-Shirt

Caddyshack - Freeze Gopher

Svengoolie® Squares T-Shirt

You got 9 out of 10
You're the inverse of the Cheers theme song: Yours is the place to go for those who ever wanna know everybody's name!
The one I got wrong was because I hated that show. I loved the Mama's Family skipts but not the show. It really needed Tim and Harvey.
You're the inverse of the Cheers theme song: Yours is the place to go for those who ever wanna know everybody's name!
The one I got wrong was because I hated that show. I loved the Mama's Family skipts but not the show. It really needed Tim and Harvey.
7/10. The ones that were hard for me were the ones I never watch. Like Love Boat and LaVerne and Shirley.
10 for 10...You'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool me. I've been watching sitcoms since 1961.
The character of Robert Hogan (#3) was named after an actor who one of the producers of Hogan's Heroes wanted to play the character but CBS wanted a better-known actor. The real Hogan later guest-starred on Hogan's Heroes and later played "Smilin' Jack" on the same-named episode of M*A*S*H.
You got 10 out of 10
You're the inverse of the Cheers theme song: Yours is the place to go for those who ever wanna know everybody's name!
You're the inverse of the Cheers theme song: Yours is the place to go for those who ever wanna know everybody's name!