Yes/ No: Are these scary movies actually from the 1960s?

They're coming to get you... again!

In the 1960s, the masters of horror were just waking up, releasing some of their best films. 

Think you can tell the shocking spark of Sixties' most innovative pictures from horror movies that came from the decade before or after?

We've mixed up iconic horror films from the 1950s, '60s and '70s to see if we can snare any casual horror fans in our traps. Good luck, muahahaha.
  1. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? Night of the Living Dead
  2. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? Suspiria
  3. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? The Omen
  4. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? Psycho
  5. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? Rosemary’s Baby
  6. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? The Last House on the Left
  7. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? House on Haunted Hill
  8. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? House of Wax
  9. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? The Birds
  10. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? Invasion of the Body Snatchers
  11. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? The Pit and the Pendulum
  12. Was this horror movie actually made in the 1960s? What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

Yes/ No: Are these scary movies actually from the 1960s?

Your Result...

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Snickers 44 months ago
10 out of 12 Liked the horror movies but was a big fan of 60's sci-fi movies.
DJMetalWolf 53 months ago
7 Out Of 12
Did some of those horror classics sneak up on you?

Though, I would argue #8 as there were two House Of Wax films: The original in 1933 and the remake in 1953.
rycki1138 68 months ago
12 out of 12
Looks like you narrowly escaped all our traps, Sixties fan!
Ariesmale44 69 months ago
some of those movies were really scary too
MikeBugal 71 months ago
We have a Facebook group dedicated to old school horror and sci fi movies and TV shows. Feel free to check it out:
Hope 77 months ago
Week after week I look forward to the delivery of these Quizzes. I can do a lot better if I learned to slow down when taking the quizzes.
Terrence 78 months ago
Not bad at all........................10/12
Tresix 78 months ago
10/12. As fate would have, blew two Vincent Price questions.
Lon 78 months ago
10/12. Thought that Rosemary' Baby was 70's, too.
anthony 78 months ago
10/12.Tought for sure rosemarys baby was from the 70's,but I think I was thinking of The Omen.
Greg 78 months ago
4/12 Shows how much I watch horror movies
Robert 78 months ago
9/12. Could've done a bit better but I went through too fast!!
Dawn 78 months ago
10/12, my memory was playing tricks on me
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