You can only choose one iconic television house to live in — which will it be?

Choose your home wisely!

 Sony Pictures Television

They say that home is where the heart is, and we say the heart is in the television! If you're a T.V. fanatic, this survey is for you. We're giving you the chance to be a part of your favorite television families, but there's a catch. In order to save one home, you'll have to give another one up!

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  1. Which are you saving?
  2. Which are you saving?
  3. Which are you saving?
  4. Which are you saving?
  5. Which are you saving?
  6. Which are you saving?
  7. Which are you saving?
  8. Which are you saving?
  9. Which are you saving?
  10. Which are you saving?

You can only choose one iconic television house to live in — which will it be?

Your Result...

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Reenie0521 22 days ago
80% Give me the house in Mayberry or the one on Walton’s Mountain any day!
Charleshorse 23 days ago
Who would NOT choose the Clampett home??? It was mansion with a cement pond, after all?
JERRY6 24 days ago
60% hard to believe as i picked green acres and the flintstones houses
LibraBaby0921 25 days ago
My choices are 80% similar to other people's. My question is, Why aren't they including Blake and Krystle Carrington's home from the original DYNASTY?
Captain 25 days ago
I would really prefer the Hart’s home from Hart to Hart.
JERRY6 Captain 24 days ago
put in Magnums home for me
KawiVulc 25 days ago
60%. The Walton's house for sure. And I'd put up a gate a hundred yards down the drive.
FestusFan2312 26 days ago
80%. How about Munster or Addams home? Nelson home at Coco Beach or Samantha’s house? Ingall’s little house or Clampett’s cabin?
can't do them all at once lol
JERRY6 FestusFan2312 24 days ago
munsters for the win
I'd choose the Ingall's home any day over the Krandem's home, lol
trogg888 26 days ago
Nobody would live in the Douglas home especially ava gabor I don't care how much she loved oliver
nd1irish 26 days ago
Hogan’s Heroes barracks 🪖or M*A*S*H Swamp⛑️?
trogg888 cperrynaples 26 days ago
I was in the army and you do not want to live in any kind of tent like structure ever
JERRY6 trogg888 24 days ago
so true
Coldnorth nd1irish 17 days ago
Good question
jimmyvici 26 days ago
40% similar. Eh…🤷🏽‍♂️
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