Be our Valentine with MeTV's Love Me event!

Make a date for a day of classic TV celebrating all things love on Sunday, February 9 starting at 9A | 8C!

Ah, Valentine's Day. Do you have your perfect date for the big day? Well no matter if you're cuddling up with your sweetheart or celebrating your single self, MeTV has a romantic lineup that's sweeter than a box of chocolates. Grab that special someone and your favorite snack, whether it be chips, chocolates or charcuterie, and enjoy hours of lovely entertainment all day long. MeTV is celebrating Valentine's Day with love-themed episodes Sunday, February 9 starting at 9AM | 8C.

Here's the full lovely lineup:

9A | 8C: Saved by the Bell: "Love Machine" — Jessie becomes alarmed at the presence of Slater's old flame, especially when Screech's love machine shows that both Slater and his ex still have feelings for each other.

9:30A | 8:30C: Saved by the Bell: "Isn't it Romantic" — On Valentine's Day the gang flashes back to the romantic adventures they've had in the past.

10A | 9C: The Brady Bunch: "Going, Going…Steady" — Marcia becomes an insect collector to win over her crush. 

10:30A | 9:30C: The Brady Bunch: "Cyrano de Brady" — Greg's plan to help Peter win his crush backfires when she falls for him instead. 

11A | 10C: Happy Days: "Be My Valentine" — Joanie daydreams about the gang singing romantic Valentine's Day songs. 

11:30A | 10:30C: Laverne & Shirley: "Squiggy in Love" — Laverne and Shirley try to help Squiggy by pointing out to him that his latest great looking girlfriend is just using him to help move into and decorate her flat. When they finally confront Squiggy with the news, he tells them he knows he's being used but what chance does a guy like him have with a beautiful girl like that. Of course he does the right thing thanks to his friends and tells the gold digger to get lost. 

12P | 11C: The Andy Griffith Show: "Opie's Girlfriend" — Helen's niece comes for a visit and proves to be both very pretty and very talented in athletics. Trouble is that she beats Opie in almost every sport there is. She actually really likes Opie as a BOY and needs her Aunt Helen to help her to get Opie to like her. 

12:30P | 11:30C: I Love Lucy: "Sentimental Anniversary" —Lucy and Ricky want to spend their 13th wedding anniversary alone, but the Mertzes have another idea: a surprise party. 

1P | 12C: Leave It to Beaver: "My Brother's Girl" — An eighth grade dance has Wally being pressured into attending with a girl, instead of going stag with Eddie. However, Mary Ellen Rogers becomes determined to have Wally take her and goes through Beaver to get to him. 

1:30P | 12:30C: Leave It to Beaver: "Beaver's First Date" — A party is being thrown at the dancing school where Beaver and Wally once took lessons and they're both invited. This prompts Beaver to ask one particular girl who caught his eye, Betsy Patterson, if he could escort her to the dance. However, once at the dance, he finds that Betsy has promised other boys that she would dance with them. 

2P | 1C: The Beverly Hillbillies: "The Girl From Home" — Some old love letters from Jethro lead a mountain man and his daughter to Beverly Hills. 

2:30P | 1:30C: The Beverly Hillbillies: "The Clampetts Play Cupid" — Granny tries to get actor Dash Riprock uninterested in Elly May and more interested in Miss Hathaway. 

3P | 2C: Gilligan's Island: "Gilligan's Mother-in-Law" — A native family from another island comes seeking a husband for their lovely, large, robust daughter. 

3:30P | 2:30C: Gilligan's Island: "Lovey's Secret Admirer" — Mr. Howell becomes outraged and jealous when he discovers that a secret admirer is sending letters to Mrs. Howell. But everyone is even more shocked when they discover that he's the one who's sending them. 

4P | 3C: Mama's Family: "My Phony Valentine" — When Mama claims to have a date for Valentine's Day, Iola resorts to "Rent A Gent," but she gets a much younger and much better looking escort than she expected.

4:30P | 3:30C: Mama's Family: "Bubba's Double Date" — When Bubba's date for the prom cancels at the last minute, Mama, unbeknownst to him, fixes him up with Iola's shy, homely niece Vernette.

5P | 4C: The Love Boat: "Memories of You / Computerman / Parlez Vous?" — A slick computer matchmaker proceeds to pair up cruise guests while setting himself up with Julie; two American gold-diggers pretend to be French; a New York advertising executive meets up with a long-lost love.

6P | 5C: The Andy Griffith Show: "Prisoner of Love" — A lady prisoner woos Andy and Barney.

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JeffStevenKwit 6 days ago
You know what I love? GREEN ACRES! Please bring it back to werknights at 8:30 CST for the love of ....
top_cat_james_1 9 days ago
It appears there is no longer love between MeTV and "The Beverly Hillbillies"--I followed the last cycle of shows and noticed there are now eight - EIGHT! - episodes removed from rotation. I would guess they were eliminated for supposed PC infractions. As Jed would say, "Pitiful. Pit-i-ful."
JHP top_cat_james_1 8 days ago
people's skin nowadays shame an onion
: ( sounds like your "skin nowadays shame an onion"
JHP 11 days ago
6P | 5C: The Andy Griffith Show: "Prisoner of Love" — A lady prisoner woos Andy and Barney.
hardly a V-day ep...

I think any of the real stinkos with aunt BEEatch for instance making up lies to have the egg farmer lose business

V-day to me is thee Ultimate "Have-to day ,,,or else" Feelings for one you most care about should be every day or more frequent instead of ..."OH GOD! I got to go to the kwikle mart and get some roses or year old chocolates in a box"
MrsPhilHarris JHP 10 days ago
Lol I’ve never cared about Valentine’s Day. I can remember way back when finding out how much my husband spent on red roses. It was outrageous. Told him not to buy them anymore. We were just talking about VD today. We both want nothing.
JHP MrsPhilHarris 10 days ago
well you got each other - every day:)..spending $8+ for a card to be forgotten in a few years is nuts (damm I sound old and on a fixed income:))

I mean roses were grown to "hook", "woo" or "win" the female (I was taught that watching Leave it to Beaver:)" (only kidding)

Roses can be given any day...when they are much cheaper and even better grown them yourself if the climate is rose friendly
MrsPhilHarris JHP 9 days ago
True. I don’t even need flowers. I just grow them in the summer including roses.
JJ614 MrsPhilHarris 8 days ago
ME too! I finally told him I appreciated them but what I really wanted was a piano, and to please, every time he had a hankering to send me flowers, just put the $$ in a savings account for the day we could afford one. He thought that was AWESOME.
MrsPhilHarris JJ614 8 days ago
Good idea! The only things we buy now are for our house or cabin like lawn movers and what not. 🤭
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