Burt Reynolds on the parallels between himself and Clint Eastwood

"We both have a particular audience that is loyal to us no matter what the critics say," said Reynolds.

Everett Collection

No man is an island. Without friends and colleagues in our lives, there is no one to relate to, no one to learn from. Interpersonal relationships are the key to proper development; they make us better as human beings.

Even the greatest actors of all time were able to find common ground with one another. Think of Burt Reynolds and Clint Eastwood. Both actors were leading men who got their start in television. Even when both actors became wildly successful in the film industry, they looked to one another as almost a mirror, finding similarities between the two.

"I think there’s a parallel in my career and Clint’s," said Reynolds during an interview with TIME Magazine. "We both have a particular audience that is loyal to us no matter what the critics say. With Clint, they want him to rip the bad guy’s face off. With me, they want me to say those Don Rickles lines to people in authority - the bank clerk who won’t cash your check, the traffic cop."

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Reynolds also argued that audiences who related to their characters saw themselves as they'd like to be. "And it even goes further, all the way up the lines of authority - even up to the President," said Reynolds.

Eastwood reiterated Reynolds' sentiments. "A guy sits alone in a theater," said Eastwood. "He’s young and he’s scared. He doesn’t know what he’s going to do with his life. He wishes he could be self-sufficient, like the man he sees up there on the screen, somebody who can look out for himself, solve his own problems." 

Eastwood was aware of the relatability of his characters. It was a quality he strove for. "I do the kind of roles I’d like to see if I were still digging swimming pools and wanted to escape my problems," said the actor.

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MichaelPowers 20 days ago
Burt told the funny story about when he & Clint had their studio contracts cancelled.
The guy in charge summoned them both to his office. He told Clint that his Adam's Apple was too big; he told Burt that he couldn't act.
As they headed to their cars, Burt quipped to Clint that Clint was in trouble. When Clint asked why, Burt responded with "You can't do anything about your Adam's Apple but I can always learn to act."
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