David Janssen once tried his hand at composing lyrics

A life lesson: You can't do it all.

Warner Brothers

If you've been unemployed in the last few years, you know that finding a job is no easy feat. However, it seems that some applicants have more luck than others. Plus, being a famous television star certainly doesn't hurt you during the interview.

Not only was David Janssen the star of hit television shows like The Fugitive and Harry O, but he also dabbled in songwriting and music.

"I really enjoy writing (lyrics,)" said Janssen during an interview with The Daily Times News.

Janssen saw varied success with the endeavor, which began in a moment of boredom.

"It started as a joke," said Janssen. "I saw Carol (Connors) in a restaurant in Hollywood one night and she had this assignment for a Christmas song for a Peanuts special. I said I wasn't working, and that I would write the lyrics. Since I didn't have anything to do, I went home and took myself seriously."

However, no amount of talent as an actor can save someone from good old-fashioned constructive criticism; Janssen was no exception.

"I wrote 10 or 12 lines and showed them to Carol," said Janssen. "She looked at them and said they were terrible, that I should stick to acting."

While Janssen never pursued a career in songwriting (probably for the best), he did note that he continued to work as a lyricist, and did eventually improve.

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