David Janssen said that he left the ''toughness'' out of Harry O

"The American public has gotten used to detectives that are larger-than-life characters, and the reality of a private detective may offend the American taste," said Janssen.

Warner Brothers

There's nothing wrong with the outrageous, and in television, the outrageous is typically a given. There's no better way to grab an audience's attention than to go over the top. It's another story, however, if you want to keep a television audience tuned in. For that, you need decent, honest quality.

The star of multiple crime-centric shows, David Janssen understood what drew an audience to a series, but he also understood how to ensure a character stood out above the rest. This was most likely why when Janssen began playing Harry Orwell, the central character of the hit series Harry O, he broke the mold of what a viewer might expect from a crime protagonist.

"You know what we've done? We've left the toughness out of Harry O's character," said Janssen during an interview with the Copley News Service. "We've got this tough ex-cop and ex-Marine, who retired and became a private detective because he got a bullet in his back, and we've got him disliking violence."

Janssen was aware that a character like Harry Orwell wasn't for everyone, and he didn't seem to mind one bit.

"The American public has gotten used to detectives that are larger-than-life characters, and the reality of a private detective may offend the American taste," said Janssen. "It may be that the superdetective is a staple they want. Just as few westerns go over big if they realistically allude to poverty in the Wild West."

Janssen didn't seem to mind whether he ruffled a few feathers with his portrayal of the character. He was mainly concerned with giving his audience a quality television series that they could invest in and relate to.

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Sunday at 4 AM

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MikefromJersey 1 month ago
Some "experts" deem Harry O as probably the greatest detective show of all time, possibly
second only to The Rockford Files. The writing superb, courtesy of the great Howard Rodman,
of Naked City and Route 66 fame.
It was cancelled to make room for Charlie's Angels.

At the end of "Elegy For a Cop", Harry visits his local bar hangout and brings an expensive bottle
to honor his late friend, Lt. Manny Quinlan, who has been murdered -
Every once in a while somebody will come in here and you'll see that you like 'em right away,
'cause they're decent and just good people.
So give 'em a drink out of this bottle. Doesn't matter whether they have money or not.
Tell 'em the drink's on Manny Quinlan. Maybe they'll remember him.
And if you feel like it, tell them he was a friend of mine.
What'll I do when the bottle's empty?
Nothing. Nobody lives forever.
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