David Janssen vowed that Harry O wouldn't become another ''shoot-em-up''
"I'll scream bloody murder if it evolves into that sort of show," said the actor.

Widely considered one of the more quality television shows of its decade, Harry O certainly earned every bit of praise it received. Centered around the story of a former police officer who opens up a private investigation business, the premise of the series isn't necessarily new. However, series lead David Janssen was able to keep audiences enthralled for two seasons before the show ended in 1976.
Producers, writers, and directors alike who worked on Harry O were all united under a shared goal: to create a series with character and integrity.
It was a shared endeavor. David Janssen spoke about his series during an interview. Specifically, Janssen spoke of the meticulous care in the series, a byproduct of his efforts to ensure that the show would not devolve into another "shoot-em-up."
"I'll scream bloody murder if it evolves into that sort of show," said Janssen to the New York Times. Luckily, Janssen had a team of writers and directors at his back that shared this vision.
"I'm not expecting problems, though, because everyone involved with the project agrees the series should concentrate on character development more than on simple solutions to crimes," he said. This character-centric focus led to more of an attachment to the character of Harry Orwell. A crime-centric show is all well and good enough to entertain an audience for an episode, but it was truly the characters in the series that kept fans returning every week. "You get to know Harry O and care about him just as you did in the TV movie pilot of the story," said Janssen.


Or they have the over the air set up with home antenna.
In those cases I always suggest to them they hit the weekend garage sales
and pick up a VCR/DVD unit, you can get them for peanuts, and tape the late
night shows. I have DVR but also have a VCR hooked up for the streaming
networks that make you watch all their commercials as you can't DVR them.
But using 40 year old VCR tech I can tape the streaming services, no more ads.
My buddy's kids get a kick out of showing their friends the VCRs at work, to
them it's ancient tech, but it's beating the 21st century of the streaming services.
They ran episode one - a gem - this past Sunday nite, 3 AM.
MeTV guys, major mistake not promoting this terrific show!
Also there were two pilot movies.
of diminishing returns.
didn't have the formula down yet.
Harry O pilot # 2, "Smile Jenny, You're Dead" was much better than than the first one.
With guest star Andrea Marcovicci it laid down the basic structure of the series.
Jodie Foster was great as an abandoned kid Harry matches wits with, she and Janssen had
real chemistry.
Season One Episode One "Gertrude" is terrific, the Harry O that the critics so love in evidence.
Really well done and guest star Julie Sommars played her off beat role just right.
I love stories where I am surprised and it's not the same old same old detective show stuff we have
all seen 500 times, and episode one delivers.
How many detectives drive about not in the latest sports car - Harry's old junker is always in the shop - but on crosstown buses, mining much humor from the situation.
The noted mystery writer Max Allan Collins called the voice overs on Harry O the best ever on television. Period.