Gary Burghoff had to reshoot his final M*A*S*H moment
The actor who played Radar revealed his teary goodbye wasn't the first take

Parting is such sweet sorrow. And in the case of Gary Burghoff, it's also a chance for a do-over.
For seven years, Burghoff was Radar, M*A*S*H's trusted second lieutenant (and later corporal) with extra-sensory paperwork-pushing prowess. In many ways, Radar was the show's beating heart. He was sweet, and maybe a little too innocent for the horrors of war. But aren't we all? The question posed is exactly why Radar's role is so important. There isn't much of an audience surrogate, what with all the battle-hardened seen-it-all doctors of the 4077th. So, Radar serves as the show's soft emotional center.
As the show went on, Burghoff saw less and less of his family. The demands of one of our country's most popular TV shows were many, and they were disruptive to what Burghoff wanted to be a quiet life spent with loved ones. So, as the show concluded its seventh season, Radar bid farewell in "Good-Bye Radar."
Particularly, part 2 of the episode was to feature a teary send-off to both the character and the actor. As Burghoff recalls in the TV special M*A*S*H: The Comedy That Changed Television, he was as emotional as his onscreen counterpart.
"I said to myself, what a wonderful moment, I can cry my eyes out and I can do this wonderful dramatic moment, I can just completely fall apart," said Burghoff.
"And the director said, 'If I were you, I would fight the tears.' And I said, 'No, no. Just let me do it, okay?'"
The actor got his way, but the emotional climax didn't pan out how he'd planned.
"The next day, in dailies, I look at the screen and it's awful. I mean, it is just terrible," Burghoff recalled. "The director was right, I was wrong... I said, 'Please can I do this again?' And he said, 'Yes, you may.'"
It's funny to think about how many iconic TV moments come down to a series of decisions made by an actor day-of on the set. Luckily for viewers, M*A*S*H was in very good hands, and the creative powers continued to make excellent decisions until the show reached its finale.


"Second lieutenant?" Is that supposed to be clever, some kind of joke? Because, in a literal sense, Radar was never anything other than a corporal, NEVER an officer.
Just like the Allegra commercial of the girl singing "Been there done that " people say she has an attitude and she nearly knocked a child down" well that's the way the Director and Allegra wanted it. Same with Radars final scenes!
That was when Hawkeye and BJ arranged for him to be promoted to a Second Lieutenant for "bugling" and "Near Sightedness" beyond the call of duty and then back to Corporal again.
Potter had said that his horse could bugle better than Radar did!
Yes, Radar kept up the daily, weekly and monthly reports pretty much to perfection, but that was the job of the "Company Clerk".
If an alternative take was indeed filmed in which Radar broke down in tears and had a more fitting, highly emotional send-off, it really needs to be released to help erase the bitterness of that awful second take! Until then, I prefer to consider the Season 7 finale as Radar's true final M.A.SH. appearance (the episode when B.J. succeeded in persuading everyone to contact their parents and arrange a big get-together of their families back in the States). That was a very sweet and special episode, and Radar was at his finest—the version we all know and love.