How long was Barney Fife the Deputy of Mayberry?
Conspiracy Corner: They're hiding something from us.

There's a mystery in Mayberry. Something doesn't quite add up on The Andy Griffith Show, and only the sharpest fans can do the math. Barney Fife did things by the book. But what if the book was wrong? We're not nitpicking either; we love the show too much to criticize. Instead, we're here to give just the facts and allow you to form your own opinion.
Consider the following: In the season four episode "Citizen's Arrest," Andy and Barney clear out old files. Among the old scraps and paperwork is a custody receipt for the first revolver Sheriff Andy Taylor issued to Barney when he became deputy. "Look at that," says Andy. "August 1953. 10 years ago last month since I swore you in."
"Time has a way of moving right down the road, don't it?" says Barney. "Boy, it sure does," Andy replies. But in Mayberry, time seems to move a bit differently.
Exhibit B: Season 5 Episode 2, "Barney's Physical," an episode of The Andy Griffith Show much like any other. The story begins with Andy dutifully typing away at his paperwork (it's always paperwork). Barney enters. He leans on Andy's desk, waiting for something. Then, the scene that plays out between the two changes the very fabric of the space-time continuum.
"Well, I see you forgot," says Barney. He's clearly disappointed.
"Forgot what?" replies Andy, clueless.
"Well, what day this is," says Barney. "May 16th! Five years ago, what happened?"
"Something happen to you?" asks Andy.
"Yeah..." says Barney. "Well, think!"
"Umm... You met Thelma Lou?" offers Andy.
"No," says Barney. "That was in 1960 at Wilton Blair's funeral. Try again."
The routine continues as Andy incorrectly guesses several more milestones that Barney could be celebrating. The two go back and forth, with Barney getting increasingly agitated until:
"I joined the Sherrif's office!" Barney finally reveals.
In season four, Barney has been Deputy for 10 years.
In season five, Barney has been Deputy for 5 years.

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Vocalist of the last century, Ella Fitzgerald and backed up by Chick Webb and his Orchestra. The song’s lamentable lyrics, sweet tune, her close and Chick’s brass players combine for one wonderful listening session, if only a 3 minute one at that. I used to hear it on late night radio as a kid, viewed it in an old movie and still have it swirling around in my head 60+ years later. Such a sad, beautiful, memorable ditty. Oh those were the days.
In 1953 Barney was hired by the sheriff's office and given a gun. when he holstered it, it went off. After this happened a few times he was discharged. Five years later, (around the time Aunt Bee arrived in Mayberry) Andy gave Barney a second chance, providing that he kept his bullet in his shirt pocket.
In the credits, why is Ron Howard, before Don Knotts?
Also covered in an article MeTV published in 2017.