MeTV scares up special spooky treats with Svengoolie's Halloween BOO-Nanza this October!
All October long, enjoy a creepy cornucopia of double features, late night marathons, and spooky surprises as we celebrate Svengoolie's 45th anniversary!

The past two years have been full of tricks and treats during Svengoolie's Halloween BOO-nanza, including ghoulishly good classic TV, fan-favorite films, and a king-sized serving of double the Svengoolie with month-long double features.
This year will be no different as we celebrate the 45th anniversary of Svengoolie haunting the airwaves with the return of Svengoolie Double Features, the best of classic TV Halloween episodes, and late-night blocks of spooky programming to keep the party going into the witching hour. However, this year, look for an additional treat in your candy bag! This year, MeTV introduces the House of Svengoolie, The Sven Squad’s takeover of Svengoolie’s dungeon in celebration of two brand new movie titles joining the Svengoolie library – the much-requested Jim Henson masterpieces Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal.
The Sven Squad crew includes Sarah Palmer as the gorgeous ghoul Gwengoolie, Scott Gryder as the devilishly ingratiating IMP (Ignatius Malvolio Prankerstein) and Bill Leff as the 800-year-old vampire Nostalgiaferatoo.
The Squad also makes a special Saturday morning appearance for the House of Svengoolie Cartoon BOO-Nanza, a one-hour special featuring their favorite spooky-themed Looney Tunes cartoons.
“I am just as amazed as everyone else that Sven has survived for 45 years- which is really a tribute to our many fans who have supported us all this time,” said Rich Koz, aka Svengoolie. “Our third annual BOO-Nanza will be notable for such things as our long-awaited presentation of the 1953 Invaders from Mars, and for our Sven Squad appearing on their own. They will be bringing us two amazing creations from the mind of Jim Henson. We’ll make every Saturday night Halloween!”
Here's just a sampling of some of the frightful delights on offer:
Saturday, October 5:
9A | 8C: House of Svengoolie Cartoon BOO-Nanza: Svengoolie’s very own Sven Squad – Gwengoolie, Nostalgiaferatoo and IMP – take over Saturday Morning Cartoons to present a collection of their favorite spooky-themed Looney Tunes cartoons including “Hair-raising Hare,” “Transylvania 6-5000" and “Hyde and Hare.”
10A | 9C: MeTV Halloween Westerns: Catch a full day of specially selected spooky Western episodes!
8P | 7C: Svengoolie: "Son of Frankenstein" — Returning to the ancestral castle long after the death of the monster, the son of Dr. Frankenstein meets a mad shepherd who is hiding the comatose creature. To clear the family name, he revives the creature and tries to rehabilitate him.
10:30P | 9:30C: Svengoolie: "Monster that Challenged the World" —A horde of prehistoric mollusk monsters enter the canal system of California’s Imperial Valley and terrorize the populace.
1A | 12C: Late Night BOO-Nanza Binges — Sventoonie
Saturday, October 12:
8P | 7C: Svengoolie: "Ghost and Mr. Chicken" — A timid typesetter hasn’t a ghost of a chance of becoming a reporter – until he decides to solve a murder mystery and ends up spending a fright-filled night in a haunted house.
10:30P | 9:30C: Svengoolie: "Fiend Without a Face" — A scientist’s thoughts materialize as an army of invisible brain-shaped monsters (complete with spinal-cord tails) who terrorize an American military base in this nightmarish chiller.
1A | 12C: Svengoolie Uncrypted: A one-hour primetime special celebrating Svengoolie – America’s long-running, beloved and award-winning horror host. The master horror host escapes his dungeon to journey far and wide, discovering a world of friends and new adventures. The special also shines a spotlight on Svengoolie’s world for 43+ years as he has entertained horror fans with Saturday night showcases of campy and obscure titles, offering insightful horror movie facts, trivia, and jokes. Fans across the country will want to tune-in for all this plus the crypt shaking special reveal.
2A | 1C: Late Night BOO-Nanza Binges — The Twilight Zone
Saturday, October 19:
8P | 7C: Svengoolie: "House of Wax" — An associate burns down a wax museum with the owner inside, but he survives only to become vengeful and murderous.
10:30P | 9:30C: Svengoolie presents: House of Svengoolie: "Labyrinth" — Sixteen-year-old Sarrah must solve a labyrinth to rescue her baby brother when he is taken by the Goblin King. Hosted by the Sven Squad!
1A | 12C: Late Night BOO-Nanza Binges — Kolchak: The Night Stalker
Saturday, October 26:
8P | 7C: Svengoolie: "Invaders from Mars" — A young boy learns that space aliens are taking over the minds of Earthlings.
10:30P | 9:30C: Svengoolie presents: House of Svengoolie: "The Dark Crystal" — On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfing embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal, and to restore order to his world. Hosted by the Sven Squad!
1A | 12C: Late Night BOO-Nanza Binges — Kolchak: The Night Stalker
And that's just the beginning! All month long we'll be showing special Halloween episodes of your favorite classic shows and other hauntingly good surprises!


I would like to see The Munsters and The Addams Family back to back weekly.