Sventoonie, the red tuna of terror, will be swimming back for a second season
The fishy host will return with brand-new episodes this October!

Don't want the party in the crypt to end after Svengoolie? Ever since March of 2022, it hasn't had to! That's when Sventoonie, the red tuna of terror, swam onto our screens for a not-so-official afterparty. With his co-host Blob E. Blob, Sventoonie shows highlights from horror classics, delivers bloopers, and keeps the monster mash going.
While the first season will be wrapping up on Saturday, July 16, much like the antagonist of a horror movie franchise, it will soon come crawling back!
Sventoonie has been renewed for a second season on MeTV! Following the first season, Sventoonie is going to take a summer vacation (he'll be visiting his good friend, The Gill-Man), but the fishy host with the most will rise from the crypt just in time for the spookiest season of the year! Sventoonie will once more be haunting the airwaves starting October 1st with a brand-new season of scares, screams, and sushi.
Just like this season, you can expect to see Sventoonie immediately following Saturday night episodes of Svengoolie.


Bring him back, babeeee!
And the audition tapes are just propaganda and for everyone to have the chance to see themselves on MeTV connected with Svengoolie?
And maybe that is the reason we have not heard anything about a 3rd season as of yet.
Maybe sventoonie"s 3rd season will consist of him being featured with and on Svengoolie as the "spawn of Svengoolie.
Makes perfect sense to me
If you love Sventoonie (as I do), and would like to see him back for a thrid season, start sending MeTV emails, letters, & even a phone call or 2 and let the management at MeTV know we want him back for a third season!
The more they hear from us, the better the chance Sventoonie will be renewed for a 3rd time
So everyone please start sending emails!!!
I've watched it quite few times.
It never got any better.
I can't wait for your return, Sventoonie! 🐟