The 'Batman' TV series sure liked to label everything

One Twitter account is documenting all the hilariously redundant labels used on the original 'Batman' series

One of the big appeals of the 1960s Batman television series is its pop-art look. Who doesn't love those colorful bursts that come with each punch of the Caped Crusader? POW! BAM! SPLAT! It's pure eye candy.


  • 5/18 10:30PMCatwoman Goes to College (1)
    "The Catwoman has a new parole officer — Bruce Wayne aka the Batman. Meanwhile, she plots to create a Batsuit of her own."
  • 5/25 10:30PMBatman Displays His Knowledge (2)
    "Catwoman and her men have managed to steal the rare Batagonian Cat's Eye Opals but are unable to sell them, as the jeweler thinks they are jinxed."
  • 6/1 10:30PMPiece of the Action, A (1)
    "The Green Hornet and Kato are confronted by an evil foreman running a counterfeit rare-stamp operation out of the factory. The Dynamic Duo get involved."
*available in most MeTV markets

The show also had a penchant for labeling, well, everything. Certainly every gadget, gizmo, tool and technology in the Batcave and beyond came branded with a cut and dry description of what it was. One new Twitter account and Tumblr page has taken up the task of documenting all these playful signs. Batman66Labels is a reminder of Batman's playful tone of yesteryear. It's also just a good resource for looking at close-ups of props from the TV show, all the Bat-this and Bat-thats.

Close up, you can see that many of these labels are obviously, charmingly handmade.

The modern day Batman is moody and gravel-voiced. Perhaps if we all chipped in and got him a label maker machine he would cheer up.

Here are some of our favorite posts from Batman66Labels. We are particularly fond of a rare art map labeled "DEATH BEE BEHIVE TRIP WIRE."

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