Tina Louise's daughter made her a better actor

Motherhood suited the star wonderfully.

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Artists in every medium benefit from life experience. There's always something to be gained from a rich personal history. Especially if your job is emoting on camera, being able to draw from a toolkit of lived stories is so important.

Tina Louise was no exception to the rule. She delighted millions as Ginger Grant, the movie star, on Gilligan's Island. While she is best remembered for that role, Ms. Louise continued acting for the rest of her life. She was a mainstay as a guest star in many of the most popular series of the day, appearing in Bonanza, Mannix, The Love Boat, and many others. Here was a life in the pictures, straight through to 2019's Tapestry, her final onscreen performance.

After Gilligan, Tina Louise's personal life remained tabloid fodder for years. Her marriage and divorce with television host Les Crane was the subject of many articles and interviews throughout the late '60s and early '70s. However, it wasn't her husband who inspired Ms. Louise's work. In a 1972 interview for Publishers-Hall Syndicate, Ms. Louise spoke of the ways another family member enriched her life and her career.

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"I've found that my love for my daughter is the most total love you can experience in your life. She's such a happy person. She's so joyful. I used to think of my work, my work, my work. But now my work's secondary. I'm happy to wake up every morning and be with this wonderful little person. It never happened to me before. I want to have more babies. One at a time, of course. I like the idea of a family. Having children, I think, is the most fun in life."

"I had been warned by other women that my passion for my child might subside, it might ease up, after a few months, but this hasn't. This has kept getting better and better! And I know my acting will be better now because I'm relaxed and because of my daughter. She's so terrific." 

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sagafrat69 18 months ago
Kind of ironic Tina Louise hated 'Gilligan's Island' because she thought show ruined her career. She probably had the most work of all cast members from "Mannix", "The Stepford Wives' to "Dallas". Can't imagine anyone else as Ginger but Mary Anne is still the girl you'd want to take home to meet your mom. Glad she found some happiness as a parent.
Snickers 18 months ago
Wow. Didn't know" Miss I'm to good to share star billing" even had a daughter.
Suzy2023 18 months ago
Gilligans Island is and was my favorite show
Beatlespud57 18 months ago
Ginger and Mary Anne were both babes in their own way.😉👍

I watched the show when it ran onCBS in the mid 60s… and then when it almost immediately went into syndication.

It’s a classic!
Snickers Beatlespud57 18 months ago
Give me Mary Anne every time.
MrsPhilHarris Snickers 18 months ago
Apparently she was the most popular character and got the most fan mail.
Snickers MrsPhilHarris 18 months ago
They say Dawn Wells was a lot like Mary Anne, down to earth and very likable.
MrsPhilHarris Snickers 18 months ago
I can believe it. She was always so engaging during interviews.
Andybandit 18 months ago
That is so nice what TL said about her daughter.
Bloodymama5 18 months ago
I loved her character, Julie Gray, on Dallas
cperrynaples 18 months ago
Well, considering how old Tina is now, I hestitate to guess the daughter's age! She made her movie debut in 1958, the year I was born! Bonus: name THAT movie and the other MeTv star in it! Hint: This actor is better remembered for the film he did BEFORE this!
BrittReid cperrynaples 18 months ago
Gods Little Acre Jack Lord
LoveMETV22 cperrynaples 18 months ago
" I hesitate to guess the daughter's age!"
Her daughter "Caprice Crane" is 52 years old is a Novelist, Screenwriter and Television Writer/Producer. She lives in Hollywood, California according to bios on her. So she followed a bit of her Mom's footsteps it seems.
cperrynaples BrittReid 18 months ago
I forgot Jack Lord was in it and so was Buddy Hackett! However, I was looking for Michael Landon, who got much more screen time when he was a teenage werewolf!
tootsieg LoveMETV22 18 months ago
Thanks for the info.
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