11 odd board games from the 1970s we completely forgot about

Did you risk it all in the 'Bermuda Triangle'? Or save up for 'Pay Day'?

Image: Board Game Geek

Remember the days when kids weren't distracted by video games or mobile apps? On rainy days, the only thing to keep us entertained was the television or a good old-fashioned board game.

While classics like Monopoly, LIFE and Sorry! still enjoy great popularity, there were a lot of games that never made it out of our childhood. We already showed you some wacky games from the 1960s, so now it's time to explore what the 1970s had to offer. 

There were a lot of spooky gems and a little rewriting of history. Do you remember playing any of these games? Take a look. 

1. Which Witch?


Kids got a fright from this game as they navigated a house haunted by three witches — Ghoulish Gertie, Wanda The Wicked and Glenda the Good. We wonder where Milton Bradley got the inspiration for Glenda... 

Image: Board Game Geek

2. Séance


This game was a little morbid and dealt with some real mature topics. Each player had to bid on dead Uncle Everett's possessions, and the person with the highest bid had to communicate with him to find out the value. After that, the player with the most money after estate taxes wins. Yes, this was a real game. Yes, it was for ages 7 and up. 

Image: Board Game Geek

3. Headache


If you had some competitive siblings, then any board game eventually led to a headache. This game was bold enough to put the ailment in its title. It was kind of like Sorry!, in which you had to land on other player's pieces to knock them out of the game. 

Image: Board Game Geek

4. King Oil


What was a kid to do between the times The Beverly Hillbillies and Dallas aired on primetime television? Play this board game about making it big in the oil industry! Players drilled for liquid gold while investing in property and accumulating wealth. Basically it was like the Monopoly of Texas. 

Image: Board Game Geek

5. Go For Broke


While some people opted to get rich with King Oil, others opted to test their luck. With Go For Broke the point of the game was to be the first player to spend all their money. Let's hope none of us based our financial planning skills off this game.  

Image: Board Game Geek

6. Pay Day


"Pay Day" was the exact opposite of Go for Broke, and our parents probably preferred we played this one instead. The object of this game was to have the most cash in savings by the end. Now that's a good life lesson.

Image: Board Game Geek

7. Bermuda Triangle


This game ensured our families would never take a vacation to Bermuda — or the Caribbean for that matter. The object of Bermuda Triangle was to operate a shipping company while dealing with the mysteries of the region. Sounds fun, right?

Image: Board Game Geek

8. Hands Down


Any board game involving physical contact usually lead to a slap fight by the end, and this one was no exception. You can still find this game today, meaning kids still love slapping others around. Go figure. 

Image: Board Game Geek

9. Stay Alive


Stay Alive was one part Battleship and one part Ker-Plunk. In this game, staying alive meant keeping all your marbles on the board while plotting to make your opponents marbles fall through the cracks.

Image: Board Game Geek

10. The Sinking of the Titanic Game


The tragedy of the Titanic was far enough removed from the 1970s for it to be turned into a fun game. First, players had to make it off the ship before it sank. But the fun wasn't over yet, as players then had to survive the open seas. The first player to reach the rescue boat wins the game. Rewriting history and having fun? Count us in!

Image: Board Game Geek

11. Masterpiece: The Art Auction Game


Surprisingly, Titanic probably wasn't the worst board game to come out of the 1970s. That distinction would go to Masterpiece, where players bid on famous works of art. Values soared up to $1 million, but there were a few forgeries hidden in there too. 

Image: Board Game Geek

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VBartilucci 38 months ago
Masterpiece didn't come CLOSE to being the worst game. I could tell you stories.
SteveCampbell 38 months ago
I had Payday, Go For Broke , Masterpiece and the Bermuda Triangle game.
AnnaRentzVandenhazel 38 months ago
Our school library kept games students could play if they didn't want to go outside after lunch. There were about 6 of us "regulars" and we alternated between "Headache" and "Trouble", pretty much the same rules except in Headache you'd pick up and keep whatever pieces were in your path, but in Trouble if you landed on someone else's piece you had to go back.
idkwut2use 61 months ago
I LOVED Hands-Down! But never heard of any of the others. Some have really cool-looking boards...always liked cool boards. ^w^
Amalthea 78 months ago
I had Which Witch, Headache, Payday (my favorite!), Bermuda Triangle (although I never played that one), and Hands Down (although you only slap the game...not each other!).
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