7 major reasons we should all remember Jan Brady

It's all about Jan, Jan, Jan!

If you grew up as a middle child, then you know how it feels. Your older sibling is practically perfect, and your younger sibling gets all the attention. Sometimes, it feels like our parents have a favorite child, and it isn't us. 

But in an ensemble cast like The Brady Bunch, it's okay to have a favorite. Perhaps it's Marcia, with her flowing blonde hair and good looks. It could even be Mike, the wise and easygoing patriarch. Or maybe it's the wisecracking and loving maid, Alice.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it's a real crime how often people overlook Jan Brady. Could it be she's underappreciated because she's the middle child? Perhaps. But it shouldn't be that way.

Jan is at the center of some of The Brady Bunch's most iconic moments, which include potato sack racing, amateur singing competitions and even George Glass! In honor of National Middle Child Day, here are a few reasons why we refuse to forget about our favorite middle child, Jan. 

1. She dares to be different.


Nobody can rock a jet-black wig like Jan. When the middle child thinks she's being overlooked because of her mundane blonde hair, what does she do? She reinvents herself as "the new Jan Brady" to stand out and make herself known. It takes a lot of courage to show up to a party with a drastic new hairstyle, but Jan doesn't even blink in the face of fear. 

2. She's not afraid to say what she thinks.


When Jan is tired of her siblings disrespecting her in the episode "Jan, the Only Child," she boldly declares she wishes she didn't have any brothers or sisters. Is there any middle child who hasn't done this at one point? After feeling a little remorse, she double down on her claim and decides that's really how she feels. That's right, Jan! Say it like you mean it, even if that means you don't get to go square dancing with your family. 

3. She solves her own problems.


Jan doesn't let unrequited love bring her down. When her crush doesn't like her back in the episode "The Not-So-Ugly-Duckling," that doesn't deter her. Instead, she invents her own boyfriend named George Glass. Problem solved, right? Well, yes, until her parents want to invite him to her birthday party. 

4. She rights her wrongs.


When Jan makes a mistake, she strives to fix it. Case in point: When Jan messes up the payment for her parents' anniversary gift in the episode, "Amateur Nite," she convinces her siblings to get the money by signing up for an amateur talent show. And we all know how that goes.

5. She demands respect.


Wouldn't you be fed up if you had the perfect Marcia Brady as your older sister, always stealing your thunder? That's exactly how Jan felt in the episode, "Her Sister's Shadow." Instead of sitting in her sister's shadow, she demands respect from her parents and classmates by writing a killer essay. The pen is mightier than the sword!

6. She worries about the future, just like us.


Jan's Aunt Jenny looked just like her when she was Jan's age. But when Jan sees what Aunt Jenny looks like in the episode, "Jan's Aunty Jenny," she has a serious case of anxiety. Let's be honest, who didn't worry about the future when we were Jan's age? Her worries make her all the more relatable. 

7. She can rock a pair of glasses.


Every kid's worst nightmare is to wear glasses, so it's no surprise Jan avoids her second set of eyes for a while. Even though it takes some time, Jan realizes in the episode, "The Not-So-Rose-Colored Glasses," it's better to wear glasses than to not be able to see. 

There's more: 31 things that happen on every episode of 'The Brady Bunch'


Can't get enough of the Bradys? Read our take on the basic formula for each episode of the series. 

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idkwut2use 48 months ago
Actually I don’t recall ever being even a little upset at having to get glasses. I think I saw them as cool and just another opportunity to choose a unique accessory.
TaMaL idkwut2use 31 months ago
Jan getting glasses was to Marcia getting braces in the first season, except braces are temporary.
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