8 surprising things you never knew about Fruity Pebbles cereal

This Flintstones breakfast staple has changed its flavors over the years — and nearly had a different name.

Images: Post

Eating cereal while watching your favorite TV shows is a time-honored tradition. Pebbles cereal is a classic that kids and kids-at-heart have enjoyed for nearly half a century. The Post product comes in two classic varieties — Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles. Debate about which one you prefer in the comments below.

Here, we are focusing on Fruity Pebbles, the colorful spoonful promoted by Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. Currently, you can find boxes of Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles in stores with special MeTV puzzles on the box. Grab some for a treat as you watch The Flintstones on MeTV!

1. The original working names for the cereal was Flint Chips and Rubble Stones.


"Flint Chips" and "Rubble Stones" do not sound as appetizing. Honestly, they sound like something that might damage your teeth. Good call, Post!

2. It was adapted from Sugar Rice Krinkles cereal.


This clown-touted cereal was discontinued in 1969, its formula adapted to transform into a Flintstones tie-in. While the original primetime series The Flintstones had ended in 1966, the characters were still seen every Saturday morning in reruns in 1969.

3. It was introduced nationwide in 1971.


After some limited test marketing, the Pebbles cereals rolled out nationwide in 1971, the same year that a new cartoon, The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show, premiered. Fred and Barney, meanwhile, gobbled up the cereal in animated ads like this one here.

4. The Canadian version had a different shape.


That's right, north of our border, Pebbles were more "puffs," technically! Note the different shape on the box! They also have French on the box, which is pretty cool.

5. There were just three colors and three flavors at first.


When introduced, Fruity Pebbles were only orange, red and yellow, corresponding to natural orange, lemon and tangerine flavors. Those flavors were tweaked later in the Seventies to be natural orange and artificial lemon and cherry, as seen on this box here. Over the years, several new "pebble" colors have been introduced — purple (1985), green (1987), blue (1994), "Incrediberry Purple" in 1995, and "Bedrock Berry Pink" in 2005. You can kind of date your childhood based on which colors you remember.

6. It is the oldest surviving cereal based on a TV show or movie.


Take that, C-3PO's! The same goes for you, E.T. Cereal! Pebbles are the king of Hollywood tie-in breakfasts. With its big birthday coming up, it's going to be 50!

7. There have been more than 20 different varieties of "Pebbles" cereal.


Fruity and Cocoa are merely the elder parents. The different varieties truly proliferated in the 1990s and 200s. The spin-offs have included Dino Pebbles, Cinna-Crunch Pebbles, Ice Cream Pebbles, Dino S'mores Pebbles, Cupcake Pebbles, Candy Corn Pebbles, and Cinnamon Pebbles… just to name a few.

8. Hulk Hogan sued over a Pebbles commercial.


In 2010, a television commercial for Pebbles cereal included a character named "Hulk Boulder." Bamm-Bamm defeats the wrestler. There was just one problem — Hulk Hogan (birthname Terry Bollea) originally performed under the name "Hulk Boulder." Hogan filed suit again Post.

Image: AP Photo / Chris Carlson

Look for boxes of Pebbles cereal with MeTV puzzles in stores now!


Be on the "look" for special boxes of Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles cereal! as you will "see" — we have "Spot the Differences" puzzles on the back of the boxes! See if you can find all the differences! (You'll need both TVs from the packaging to complete the puzzle, naturally.)

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Spacetiki 47 months ago
I recall Rice Krinkles having a really cool looking green dragon that kinda wrapped around the box. Anyone else recall that?

Btw, I was onboard with Pebbles since day 1 & still eat them & ALL the yummy cereal classics - they're the BEST :0) way to start the day!!!

Aaaaand still have all the cool toys & fun stuff that came in the box... CEREALS RULE! :0)
LittleMissNoName 49 months ago
Hopefully Post cereal will become a regular sponsor soon and replace the Tom Selleck reverse mortgage commercials, or the Joe Namath Medicare commercials.
Anybody have a good or funny Post cereal idea for The Jetsons?
youngcandy030 50 months ago
I would love to watch my shows on me Tv,why cant i watch them
geatornez82 53 months ago
Green was only added in 1987? Huh. Go figure. I actually have a Fruity Pebbles commercial from 1985 when they introduced the grape flavor.
AnnieM 54 months ago
It was always Cocoa Pebbles for me! BTW, who else remembers two of my old favorites, 'Pink Panther Flakes' and 'Freakies'?
BobInBG78 AnnieM 54 months ago
I remember a bunch of 'em had "Sugar" in their names and when their name and formula changed they were never again as tasty to a young palate!
daDoctah 54 months ago
Flint Chips and Rubble Stones may not have sounded appetizing enough to make it to store shelves, but somewhere around here I've got a picture I took in a dollar store of a box of cereal that was actually called "High Fiber Twigs".
Wiseguy 54 months ago
Sorry, Post, but unless you have a good sale price (at least half off), then, if I want to eat those cereals, I just buy the store brand or Malt-O-Meal® Brand. Just as good and saves money.
jorel 54 months ago
My all time favorite and probably always will be. Please never stop making it.
AgingDisgracefully 54 months ago
Oldest Surviving Cereal Based on a Movie or TV Show?
Who stepped up to accept their Golden Globe?
At first I thought it was Clayton Moore-The Lone Ranger because he won a Globe award and their was a cereal called RANGER JOE WHEAT HONNIES but it stopped selling in 1975. Its The Flintstones as spokestoons. The cereals are Cocoa Pebbles and Fruity Pebbles. Good quiz.
Wiseguy texasluva 54 months ago
there was
texasluva Wiseguy 54 months ago
Who's on first, What's on second, I Don't Know's on third. I saw the their but it has already gone past my 5 minute rule. Otherwise I would copy-delete-paste and correct. Now if the 1500+ postings I had absolutely no mistakes then I would not be human. I freely admit I am going to make such mistakes possibly at any given time. Sometimes I proof read 2-3 times. Sometimes I am in a hurry to answer more then one poster.....and would you look at that (I have blundered again). Come again and see. They'll be lots more. While at it bring an edit key. Save an extra trip or two
Barry22 54 months ago
Hulk Hogan had several different names before settling on Hulk Hogan. When he was wrestling as Hulk Boulder" Ed Leslie (Brutus the Barber Beefcake) was his "younger brother"
rory49 54 months ago
Is anyone else really creeped out by that clown in fact #2?
CouchPotato19 rory49 53 months ago
Not really. What? Is it going to turn into......................... PENNYWISE??? AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
texasluva 54 months ago
I had a couple of these a few times. I liked Lucky Charms and all the main stream cereals.....Cheerios, Shredded Wheat, Tony The Tiger says: Frosted Flakes “They're grrrrrreat!”, Trix, Wheaties, Raisin Brand, Corn Flakes, Captain Crunch, Chex, Grape nuts etc.
Wiseguy texasluva 54 months ago
mainstream is one word
texasluva Wiseguy 54 months ago
Oops.... I stuttered. I've got to squeeze those words together
CouchPotato19 texasluva 53 months ago
Quaker Oat Squares are the current best for me!
idkwut2use 54 months ago
Geeeeeez, are you even serious, Hogan...-_-
Pebbles are sooooo good. We have a big bag rn; my brother and I adore ‘em. Wanna try the candy corn variety. XD
idkwut2use idkwut2use 49 months ago
Think I do recall a couple other short-lived flavors and the “incrediberry” name...
MrsPhilHarris 54 months ago
I've never had the pleasure. My parents would not buy them. We would get corn flakes, puffed wheat or rice, Shreddies. That sort of thing.
We didn't eat these either. They give ya the sugar shakes later on, anyway.
dictracy 54 months ago
Love fruity pebbles, and frankenberry and boo berry ...ha
15inchBlackandWhite 54 months ago
Huh. I actually remember eating Sugar Rice Krinkles when I was very young. No idea they became Fruity Pebbles. My mother absolutely would have believed that a cereal called Flint Chips or Rubble Stones would damage your teeth. Market research evidently showed she was not alone. I once lived near the Canadian border were we were able to get a UHF station that showed The Flintstones in French. It was very cool, non?
LittleMissNoName 54 months ago
Cool promotion! They need to go back to including a plastic toy in the box. Who else remembers collecting box tops to send off for a toy sponge dinosaur?
I never sent in any box tops, I wanted instant gratification. I just picked whichever cereal had the
"toy surprise inside", {to quote Cracker Jacks,} that I was interested in getting. I was an impatient child. What child?!?! I still am. That's why I don't like to cook. It takes patience to do so. My theory is the time wasted cooking/baking something, is time that could be put to better use in eating. I do use an air fryer, but no longer that 7 minutes usually, to heat up something.
Surprise they don't at least include a miniature coloring/activity book and a few non toxic crayons in the box.
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