Answer these questions and we'll tell you which TV house you're calling home!
It's time to go home, but first, we need to find out where you're living.

TV homes range from beautiful and stylish to simple or even a sight for sore eyes. We often watch TV for our favorite characters, but a house can have a lot of character, too.
We love the stylish cars, sharp fashions, retro decor and stunning locations just as much as the characters living in it. A character's living quarters can say a lot about them, and this quiz is about to say a lot about you.
Is there a particular TV home you've been dreaming about? Answer these questions, and we'll tell you which TV home you belong in.

Which one of these characters from classic TV would you be roommates with?
Which decade do you think had the best decor and/or patterns?
Describe your dream home in three words:
It's dinner time! Which of these is your cooking style?
If you could live anywhere in the country, where would you live and why?
Which of these areas do you prefer to have the most space in?
Be honest: How do you handle family conflicts?
Which one of these social events would you feel most comfortable hosting?
If you won a lump sum of money, what would you spend it on and why?
Did you have any pets in your childhood home? Pick one below!
How do you spend your evenings?

Answer these questions and we'll tell you which TV house you're calling home!
Your Result...
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what would you spend it on and why?
where would you live and why?
You got Archie and Edith's Place..
I know why I got it, it had to do with the last answer.
go out for a Drink or some other Crazy adventure..
nothing about going outside into Nature, which would have been my Choice.
it seems City Folks come up with these things and never once went into the country.