Arcade of your dreams: You've got a pocket full of quarters, what're you playing?

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start


Are you a pinball wizard? A Pong pro? A Galaga master? We want to know!

Here's the scenario: Close your eyes, and step into your childhood arcade. Do you smell the weird carpet glue smell? Can you feel the gum under your shoes? 

Money is no object here. You have the funds for fun.

So, what machine are you going to first? We've selected some classic cabinets, and it's up to you to pick your favorite!

  1. Which game are you playing first?

Arcade of your dreams: You've got a pocket full of quarters, what're you playing?

Your Result...

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bmoore4026 18 minutes ago
0% We have Street Fighter but where the frick is Street Fighter II? Or the Mortal Kombat games? Or the Tekken games? Or the six player X-Men!? That game was the ***t!
Robersot 21 minutes ago
At first I thought this was asking what games you would want in your
dream arcade. I chose pinball. I would want a lot of the other games on that list as well.
raddad 1 hour ago
Pong. I spent a fortune on that game longer ago than I care to remember .
edcrumpacker 1 hour ago
1% Punchout??? Hmmm 🤔
OMG!!! I wish that I had the quarters back that I dumped in those games. I'd be a much richer man 😂🤣😅
ElijahSteinbrecher 1 hour ago
Pinball/Street fighter/Guerrilla War/Pac-Man/Rampage/ Heavy Barrel/ and the Ninja Turtles/ and Ski Ball
hrcopter 1 hour ago
This was a tough one. Went with Galaga but love pinball too. There is a Led Zeppelin pinball machine at a local club I go to that I play quite a bit.
Monkee 1 hour ago
I was the best at Asteroids in my area. 1980 I turned it over one time and got a million. Took me 2 and a half hours! On one quarter!
Rick 2 hours ago
Just a week ago I was at a place that had every one of these games! I played a couple of games of pinball first, but then played several of Centipede.
RS1515 2 hours ago
I liked Bezerk. Probably one of the least known video games.
hrcopter RS1515 1 hour ago
That was on a Sega classic game cartridge I had back in the 90s. Like that game too.
KellyO 2 hours ago
I still play pac man if I see an old machine. There is one in a hidden corner of an arcade I take my grandson to. Remembering being 17 again...
JHP 2 hours ago
I feel so normal :) 100%-ter

again,,,it depnds on how I felt - Loved centipede ;Space Invaders ; Pac Man and Sea Wolf
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