Are these real Frankenstein movies or did we make them up?

Did Frankenstein really meet Abbott and Costello, aliens and Jesse James?


Adaptations of Mary Shelley’s gothic novel about Victor Frankenstein and his homemade monster date back to the silent film era but the ghoulish story didn’t truly break out into the mainstream until Boris Karloff’s iconic portrayal in the 1931 Frankenstein.

Since then, the monster has been in broad comedies and weird sci-fi movies as well all manner of horror flicks.

We’ve collected a few titles of real Frankenstein movies that sound too outrageous to be true and mixed them with fake titles we made up. Can you tell the imposter films from the ones that actually exist?

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  1. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
  2. Frankenstein Goes to Court
  3. I Was a Teenage Frankenstein
  4. Frankenstein for President
  5. The Love of Frankenstein
  6. Frankenstein Conquers the World
  7. Hot Rod Frankenstein
  8. Frankenweenie
  9. Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster
  10. Frankenstein Lives!
  11. Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter
  12. Frankenstein and the Time Machine

Are these real Frankenstein movies or did we make them up?

Your Result...

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JohninND 3 months ago
10/12. Have to tighten the bolts in my neck.
ThomasPotter 12 months ago
Jesse James meets Frankenstein's daughter? I am now on a mission to find and view this flick.
LynCarrigan 15 months ago
8/12 In the dark on most of this quiz but still fun.
MikefromJersey 18 months ago
"You got 9 out of 12. Did you know all these obscure Frankenstein movies or could you have
used a helping hand?"

For my money Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein is far better than Young Frankenstein
as the monsters stay in character, so you get genuine scares and humor, plus the
bonus of Vincent Price at the end as the Invisible Man. It's overlooked by Horror
aficionados, but what other horror movie sported a bigger line up of monsters?
If you haven't seen it, check it out, you'll be glad you did.
dodgebob 18 months ago
What about, Frankenstein had 6 Jr. Franks, Frankenstein needs an operation, and Frankenstein who.
Titustwolife 18 months ago
How to Make a Monster! B&W and color wierdness
Dajj 18 months ago
11/12. Its alive, its. alive. ITS AlIVE!!!!
mzcaligula 18 months ago
9/12 - I could have used a helping 🖐🏼! 🧟‍♂️
Moverfan 18 months ago
10/12. Would have had 'em all if I'd just reversed nine and ten...oh, well...
AlbertHanson 18 months ago
12/12. I've seen all of the real ones, including the ones which are some of the worst movies ever made.
Stoney 18 months ago
12 for 12...but some of the made up titles like Hot Rod Frankenstein sound awesome! Lol
ironman2000 18 months ago
9 of 10. I never heard of Frankenstein meets the Space Monster. I must be one of the 60s Japanese monsters flicks.
mackjaz ironman2000 18 months ago
"This was either a worthy attempt at a film, or James Karen wanted a chance to cart around his attractive costar on a moped. Either way, it's mildly charming.

Take a bit of "Mars Needs Women", "Invaders From Mars", the Questor Tapes, any Rubber Monster Movie from the 60's, and top it off with a little "From Justin to Kelly", and you will come up with FMTSM. It's an earnest movie where everyone seemingly did their best with a limited budget. I gotta admit - faced with seeing this again or "Matrix: Resurrections", I'd choose this one in a second - because at least it has a heart.

If you had the US military at your disposal, and were going to try to salvage a multi-million dollar space mission that had consumed seven years of your professional life, wouldn't you choose to go on a moped?

Check out of the Hollywood carousel of overblown, overlong, rehashed garbage and take a trip to the 60's, when the world was young and the industry still made movies because they wanted to tell a story. It's probably free. Give it a try and you won't be sorry!"
Spaceseed ironman2000 18 months ago
It stinks
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