Tell us about your favorite toys from the '70s!

We want your opinions!


We're hoping to spark some conversations with this post... Or at least some great memories!

See if you can recall these gizmos, gadgets, and playthings from the 1970s. Maybe you had them, maybe your kid had them. Heck, maybe your neighbor you absolutely hated had them!

What we want is some stories. Which of these toys is the best? Which one hurt the most if you stepped on it in the middle of the night? Which would you have given your left arm for back in the day?

You'll have to let us know in the comments section below! 

  1. Atari Pong
  2. Mattel Auto Race
  3. Little Professor
  4. Speak & Spell
  5. The Hoppity Hop Play Ball
  6. Big Wheel
  7. Nerf Balls
  8. Weebles
  9. Black Knight Sidewalk Skateboard
  10. Stretch Armstrong
  11. View Master
  12. Baby Alive
  13. Hot Wheels
  14. Koosh
  15. Pogo Ball

Tell us about your favorite toys from the '70s!

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Sway 17 minutes ago
83%… some I never heard of. The only one I had was a view master which was my mother’s and had been around long before the 70’s. I still have it and the reels. It’s pretty cool.
bukhrn 18 minutes ago
I took this one for my own amusement, by the time the 70's rolled around I was buying my kids toys, I remember almost none of them.
Big3Fan 27 minutes ago
Eighty six percent. Only Hot Wheels and Nerf for me also. I think we might have had a View-Master in the '60s. And Yo! Yo!... what about Duncan?
Peter_Falk_Fan 1 hour ago
80% similar. I loved my Hot Wheels and View-Master. Alas, my Hot Wheels from the early 70s are gone (I started collecting again in the 90s). But I still have my View-Master and all my reels. A couple of reels have lost their color and changed to red-tinted pictures.
CrumblyCrunchies 2 hours ago
We had Super balls and yo yos. Wheel-o and...
KawiVulc 2 hours ago
83%... only had Hot Wheels & Nerf.
texasparrow55 3 hours ago
83%. Familiar with most but didn’t have them. I was a bit older for most of the things listed
Snickers 3 hours ago
83% similar. Loved playing with my hot wheels.
teire 3 hours ago
70 percent similar, a little too old for most of these, never too old for some.
JHP 4 hours ago
Hot Wheels- hands down thee best:)
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JHP RS1515 2 hours ago
it was mainly yellow coloring on the cover and a snap secure - inside the "stalls" were white and hard plastic - it carried maybe 24-30 cars
Rob JHP 2 hours ago
Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Pocket Cars, Corgi... they were all awesome!
JHP Rob 2 hours ago
with hot wheels did you have the supercharger? There was another speed booster (looked like a car wash) and the rolling car would go inside and get kicked out with a rubber band powered contraption
RS1515 Robersot 1 hour ago
Lol, Sears Xmas catalog was very thick, like two telephone books.
15inchBlackandWhite 4 hours ago
Didn't have a Big Wheel because my mom thought they were unsafe. Didn't have Stretch Armstrong because the neighbor's kid broke his open and whatever black gook that was inside didn't come out of her rug. I still remember falling in love with the Atari Pong display inside a local Sears store in a long-dead mall.
JHP 15inchBlackandWhite 3 hours ago
for me - was a bit too big already for that car:) but it was still a cool noisy tryke:)
ElvisPresleyFan 4 hours ago
70% similar.

I liked the Weebles but I think our dog liked them more than me. She got her teeth into them one time and chewed a couple up.

My favorite toy was a 150 in 1 Project Kit by Radio Shack. I liked it so much that I still have it. It's wrapped in plastic with the project instruction manuals.

I also liked the Fisher Price Little People.

One thing I loved to do was on summer break was build huge card houses with my baseball cards. Of course, our dog that liked the Weebles also liked to knock the houses over.

Two other toys that I didn't try to figure out how they worked because I liked them so much was Digital Derby and Hit 'N Missile. Unfortunately, Blip, an Earley version of digital table tennis didn't get lucky. I was curious and unfortunately took it apart. I still have the other two games packed away.
Bapa1 4 hours ago
When the seventies started I was 12, so really didn't play with toys, mostly played sports (and the viola, don't ask). But I did like my Hot Wheels. Now my grandsons play with Hot Wheels.
jd4862 4 hours ago
83% I didn't have many of those toys. Summer was usually bicycling and fishing and working in our huge garden and winter was building electronic projects, computers and video games, and model railroading.
Lillyrose 5 hours ago
55% similar. The only toy on the list that I had was a ViewMaster.
Snickers Lillyrose 3 hours ago
I'm surprised you can still get ViewMaster. Just got one for my nephew for his birthday and he thinks it's the greatest thing ever.
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