Build your perfect Thanksgiving Day and we will guess which family member you are
Are you the person that eats all day, or sleeps all day on Thanksgiving?

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, many families and friend groups are feverishly preparing for the big day. Whether you still need to plan an entire meal, or send out the invites... the clock is ticking!
There are many types of people on Thanksgiving Day. From the chatty cousins, and the frantic hosts, to the dad that thinks football is the most important part of Thanksgiving. Today we want you to build your perfect Thanksgiving Day, and we will attempt to tell you which Thanksgiving Day family member you are.
It's not exact science, but somehow knowing your favorite side dish and your opinions on a Thanksgiving nap can tell us a lot of things about you.
So, which Thanksgiving Day family member are you?
Let's get this Thanksgiving Day going! What time do you usually wake up on Thanksgiving Day?
Who usually hosts on Thanksgiving Day?
And who always shows up late to Thanksgiving dinner?
Where can you be found for most of the day on Thanksgiving?
What is one of the first things you put on TV during Thanksgiving Day?
What's a topic that is off limits for you and your family during Thanksgiving dinner?
Dinner is ready! Everyone rushes to the table. What dish are you most excited for?
Which drink are you grabbing to go with your meal?
Which dessert are you most likely to put on your plate?
What do you do on Thanksgiving Day after the meal is all wrapped up?
How would you describe your typical Thanksgiving Day?

Build your perfect Thanksgiving Day and we will guess which family member you are
Your Result...
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Whatever you decide to make this Thanksgiving, we know it's going to be great with you as the host! You're someone that likes to have responsibilities and you complete each task with perfection. SO VERY TRUE! 🦃
Although I do enjoy watching a little MeTV on the holiday, What Thanksgiving would be complete without the traditional " Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!" :
Are you neighbor's with ? :
I am every other year.
My son is married, but, his wife doesn’t cook, so, he cooks the Turkey every other year.
Why stop at Thanksgiving Dinner? You love snackin' on the Thanksgiving meal all day long. Thanksgiving is a day to eat everything. Go eat your heart out, and don't feel bad doing it. You love the finer things in life, and you aren't afraid of judgement!