Can you complete the names of these TV shows given only the first and last word?

Try to fill in the middle of these TV titles!


How well do you know classic TV? Do you know the exact wording of each show’s title? Now is your chance to put that knowledge to the test!

This quiz centers around completing TV show names. There’s a right and wrong answer for each one, no middle ground. As far as this quiz is concerned, it’s what’s inside that counts. Getting to the core of it (okay, that last pun is a pit of a stretch), try to complete these titles knowing only the first and last word!

  1. The _______ Bunch
  2. The _______ Hillbillies
  3. I _______ Lucy
  4. Leave _______ Beaver
  5. Saved _______ Bell
  6. I _______ Jeannie
  7. The _______ Valley
  8. My _______ Sons
  9. The _______ Boat
  10. Have _______ Travel
  11. My _______ Martian
  12. In _______ Night
  13. Wanted _______ Alive
  14. Voyage _______ Sea
  15. Buck _______ Century
  16. One _______ Time
  17. The _______ Gillis
  18. How _______ Won
  19. Please _______ Daisies
  20. The Harlem _______ Machine

Can you complete the names of these TV shows given only the first and last word?

Your Result...

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morticia77 3 months ago
And I thought it was too ez until the last stupid question that I have never ever heard of. And of course guessed wrong 19-20
Adamtwelvia 4 months ago
Only 1 wrong, cause I never heared of the last one
ThomasPotter 4 months ago
You got 20 out of 20
Did you know what went in the middle?
Mrflash500 7 months ago
19/20. Missed tye last one. I forgot it was Popcorn Machine.
Adamtwelvia 7 months ago
Missed the last one. But I never heard of it.
ThomasPotter 15 months ago
You got 20 out of 20
Did you know what went in the middle?
Irish 16 months ago
I missed the Harlem Globe Trotter's question 🏀
CaroleThorpe 16 months ago
You got 20 out of 20
Did you know what went in the middle?
CaroleThorpe 19 months ago
You got 20 out of 20
Did you know what went in the middle?
Snickers 37 months ago
20/20 easier than I thought it would be.
Adamtwelvia Snickers 16 months ago
Yeah, I only got one wrong.
Snickers Adamtwelvia 16 months ago
Good job!
dictracy 52 months ago
Globetrotters got me to, and I watched it....
fivecents 52 months ago
19/20 ...... did great until the last one Globetrotters Popcorn machine ..... never heard of it ..... lol
ThomasPotter fivecents 15 months ago
It was a kind of variety show, If I recall right, I think they had Howard Cosell on one episode. It didn't last too long,
marmetv20 52 months ago
19/20 missed the last one. I live the Harlem globetrotters
pjones4023 52 months ago
19/20, missed the Globetrotters. I think MeTV put that in there to keep us from acing it.
Luvmypups 52 months ago
19/20 That last title (Harlem Globetrotters)
got me!😒
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