Can you finish these Billy Joel lyrics?

"What's the matter with the car I'm driving?"


When Billy Joel sits down at a piano and starts to play, you know you're either going to start dancing like nobody's watching, or fully sob from the sheer beauty of his lyrics. Either way, it's sure to be a good time. Be sure to boogie (or cry) your way through this list of songs performed by Billy Joel, and see if you can finish the lyrics to some of his greatest hits!

  1. Piano Man: "Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness but it's better than _____."
  2. Uptown Girl: "Uptown girl, you know I can't afford to _____."
  3. New York State of Mind: "It was so easy living day by day out of touch with the _____."
  4. It's Still Rock and Roll To Me: "Oh, it doesn't matter what they say _____ cause it's always been the same old scene."
  5. We Didn't Start the Fire: "Rock and Roller, _____, I can't take it anymore."
  6. She's Always a Woman: "And she'll take what you give her as long as it's _____."
  7. Scenes From an Italian Restaurant: "Brenda and _____ were the popular steadies and the king and the queen of the prom."
  8. Movin' Out (Anthony's Song): "And it seems such a _____ if that's what it's all about."
  9. Just the Way You Are: "Need to know that you will always be the same old _____ that I knew."
  10. The River of Dreams: "Even though I know the river is wide I walk down every evening and _____."

Can you finish these Billy Joel lyrics?

Your Result...

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CuratoryG 6 months ago
10 out of 10 right, Billy Joel hits will always be a smash on here.
Ira1213 7 months ago
7 of 10. What an Icon!, love the music!
trogg888 7 months ago
Just watched the hat special.hes still one of the best.
JimKlahr 7 months ago
10/10..... it helped refresh my recall watching the MSG 100th concert last week!
RickRiggs 7 months ago
Always been a great Billy Joel fan!
rubyslippers1234 7 months ago
Still Rock and Roll to me brings back great memories of being 17 and a younger boy climbing a tree at church camp singing it at the top of his lungs. I still chuckle.
OldeTymeTv 7 months ago
7/10 Better than I thought I would do.🩷
gockionni 7 months ago
8/10, was so good to be a young adult through the Billy Joel years of hit after hit after hit. Who didn’t sing along no matter what you were doing at the time his music was on the radio?
gockionni 7 months ago
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gockionni BorisK 7 months ago
Ok, that was basically a rhetorical question but, ok. BTW…you missed out on a lot of fun by singing along 😁
lmahabhashyam 7 months ago
9/10 grew up on Long Island lived in Huntington when he was married to Christy and Alexia Ray was little they lived in Lloyds Neck at the time and Billy loved carnival ice cream where I worked. He’s a really nice guy who is a little bit of a daredevil on a motorcycle.
JHP 7 months ago
7/10 did great since BJ isn't a super fav of mine - I do respect his tunes and talent but they just don't get me going. Got 42nd street on vinyl tho:)

maybe the fans can get to see the entire concert instead of stupid golf highlights?!
Adamtwelvia JHP 7 months ago
We did, tonight.
JHP Adamtwelvia 7 months ago
captured the un-sullied broadcast on DVR:) - I wonder if who was responsible was kin to the dope of the Heidi fiasco
nd1irish 7 months ago
10/10 . My favorite Billy Joel lyric: 🎶“She’ll promise you more than the Garden of Eden. Then she’ll carelessly cut you and laugh while you’re bleeding’”🎶
nd1irish 7 months ago
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nd1irish daDoctah 7 months ago
I’m sure that song was an inspiration but BJ brought something new and great to the party.
nd1irish 7 months ago
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JimKlahr BorisK 7 months ago
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