Can you get a 10/10 on this Hairspray quiz?

How well do you know the comedy musical hit?


Are you a musical know-it-all? Raise your hand if you've ever been to Broadway Quizzo. Who here loves "Memories" from Cats at Karaoke?

Hairspray is great for so many reasons. The sets, the songs, the story... Let's celebrate this great musical by seeing how well we can remember everything we love about it.

What's your favorite song in Hairspray? Do you have another favorite musical? Is it Chicago? Let your MeTV neighbors know in the comments section below! 

  1. What city does Hairspray take place in?
  2. Do you remember the main character's name?
  3. What is the name of the dance show within the world of Hairspray?
  4. What is the name of Penny's mother?
  5. A brush with Link Larkin leads to a dream sequence set to which song?
  6. What is the name of the new dance showcased at the Sophomore Hop?
  7. What's the name of the racist producer who rejects Little Inez?
  8. What's the name of Wilbur's joke shop?
  9. Which of these is not actually a character name?
  10. Can you name the song that serves as the finale?

Can you get a 10/10 on this Hairspray quiz?

Your Result...

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Wenatchee7 18 months ago
5/10 I know nothing about this movie so every answer was a guess.
lynngdance 18 months ago
Not even taking the quiz lol, buuuut did you know Micky Dolenz was in a production of Hairspray at one time?
AlbertHanson 18 months ago
Both versions had their good points. Unfortunately, John Travolta is no Divine, no matter how many fat suits he wears. The Casting Director must not have searched for someone with talent. Melissa McCarthy would have been a much better choice!
pandykim 18 months ago
Love both versions of the movie! 💃🏼🕺🏻
pandykim pandykim 18 months ago
10 out of 10
bmoore4026 18 months ago
9 out of 10. And both versions of Hairspray are awesome.
Tresix 18 months ago
10/10! Wow, and I only saw this movie once.
gockionni 18 months ago
8/10 - prefer the movie version with Ricki Lake. Good fun for a corn(y)ball film!
McGillahooala 18 months ago
Coldnorth McGillahooala 18 months ago
We scored the same. I am proud of my score cuz I guessed correctly 3 times. Never watched the movie, not even once
Maverick66 18 months ago
Aargh! I guessed correctly on the last one for a 1/10 score. Almost had my first zero. 🙃
Coldnorth Maverick66 18 months ago
It’s hard to get a zero. I’ve had 1 right a few times but 0 is tough even if your guessing. Just my opinion 😜.
Zip 18 months ago
Never saw this show, in any of its incarnations, and never going to. Just took this quiz to see how much I don't know about it. 4/10

I think I would have gotten more correct if I had just picked the most stupid names available.
tmac1951 Zip 18 months ago
I could swear I heard somewhere that we don’t have to take every quiz, maybe not sure.
Zip tmac1951 18 months ago
Hmmm... And I could swear we had the freedom to take and comment on any quiz that we choose to, even if we don't necessarily like the subject of said quiz. Perhaps to express an opinion??. (I believe we still have that freedom as well).
Peter_Falk_Fan 18 months ago
5/10 Oh, no! My Broadway hopes are dashed!

CaptainDunsel 18 months ago
I guess a little dab didn't do me.
I burned up on reentry...
Snickers 18 months ago
4/10. Then again don't even remember the movie.
tootsieg 18 months ago
8/10. Love the movie with Divine and Ricki Lake.
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