Can you guess the correct word to complete Gilligan’s Island episode titles?
Test your memory for this [noun] of an [adjective] trip.
Warner Brothers
Do you remember all the funniest situations the castaways of Gilligan's Island found themselves in?
See if you can keep up with the show's colorful adjectives, nouns and verbs in this inventive mix between a trivia test and that classic car game Mad Libs. Instead of choosing your own words to fill in the blank, try to pick the correct word to accurately describe Gilligan's Island episodes. While this sort of defeats the point of Mad Libs, there's no stopping you from playing the regular old way as you go, plus we think the episode titles are wild enough as written. Good luck!
Two on a [noun]
Warner Brothers
Big Man on [adjective] Stick
Warner Brothers
Don’t Bug the [insect]
Warner Brothers
[number] to Get Ready
Warner Brothers
Home Sweet [noun]
Warner Brothers
The [adjective] Physician
Warner Brothers
President [proper noun]
Warner Brothers
Diamonds Are an [animal]’s Best Friend
Warner Brothers
Smile, You’re on [planet] Camera
Warner Brothers
Pass the [food group], Please
Warner Brothers
[verb] the Kitty
Warner Brothers
A [body part] by Any Other Name
Warner Brothers
Can you guess the correct word to complete Gilligan’s Island episode titles?
Your Result...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nec ante ipsum. Mauris viverra, urna et porta sagittis, lorem diam dapibus diam, et lacinia libero quam id risus.Gilligans Island - Professor
Gilligans Island - Drinks
Gilligans Island - SS Minnow
Gilligans Island - SS Minnow
Gilligans Island - Professor
Gilligans Island - SS Minnow
Gilligans Island - Professor
Gilligans Island - Drinks
Gilligans Island - SS Minnow
Gilligans Island - Drinks
12/12 - There were a couple I had to read all the answers first just to make sure but most of them I knew right away. Not sure if that's good or bad. :)
12 out of 12. I LOVE my Gilligan's Island.
You got 9 out of 12
Some of those wacky words tripped you up!
I think I did alright.
I never liked, or watched regularly.
My great score came from guessing.
Some of those wacky words tripped you up!
I think I did alright.
I never liked, or watched regularly.
My great score came from guessing.
10/12! Missed 1 and 10!
I guess the folks at METV, don't know the rule for MAD LIBS: "There's no correct answer when playing MAD LIBS!" {Recite this with the same tone and inflection Tom Hanks did when he said "There's no crying in baseball," from A league Of Their Own.}
The "correct answers" are whatever comes into people's craniums at that particular moment in time that they are playing the game. Whatever they think of first.
You missed 10 & 12, I missed 10 & 2.
The "correct answers" are whatever comes into people's craniums at that particular moment in time that they are playing the game. Whatever they think of first.
You missed 10 & 12, I missed 10 & 2.