Can you guess the SNL actor based on three of their iconic characters?

Have you been paying attention in between those laughs?

 Everett Collection

In this quiz, we're covering Saturday Night Live cast members, both past and present. We'll give you three iconic characters, and it's up to you to match them up to the actor that made them famous!

  1. Roseanne Rosannadanna, Judy Miller, Candy Slice
  2. Herb Welch, Vinny Vedecci, Stefon
  3. Lothar of the Hill People, Wayne Campbell, Kenneth Reese-Evans
  4. Gene Frenkle, Craig Buchanan, Roger Clarvin
  5. Pete Dionisopoulos, Jake Blues, The Samurai
  6. Mr. Robinson, Velvet Jones, Gumby
  7. Irwin Mainway, Elwood Blues, Fred Garvin
  8. Matt Foley, Todd O'Connor, Bennett Brauer
  9. Nick the Lounge Singer, Richard Herkiman, Todd DiLaMuca
  10. Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer, Frankenstein, Russell Clark

Can you guess the SNL actor based on three of their iconic characters?

Your Result...

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ElizabethBoop 13 days ago
I'm actually a huge fan of two Dan Aykroyd characters that nobody ever mentions: the scholarly Leonard Pinth Garnell, host of Bad Opera, Bad Playhouse, etc, and the sleazy E Buzz Miller of quasi-pornographic public access TV.

There was a guy here in Phoenix back when public access was still a thing that I swear Miller was based on. Bob Baxter was his name.
Starman13 16 days ago
SNL and today's talk shows, are just political arms of the demecratic party. There is no attempt at humor, nothing original. Oh well I haven't watched any since Will Ferrel or Jay Leno. Such a shame.
Awthomas123 17 days ago
SNL just isn't funny, years ago, they started taking themselves too seriously and "they" think their funny ...NOT!
Bapa1 18 days ago
For Anybody that's interested, tonight on NBC (of course) at Eight PM, there is a special: SNL 50 years of music. They usually had really good musical acts, so it should be interesting. I just hope they show complete performances, and not just a 30 second clip. (ands hopefully show acts from the 70's and 80's.)
8176Morgan 18 days ago
Too hesitant to take this quiz. I knew the answer to the first question but the rest I would have had to guess on. Not much of a fan of SNL. So I'll take a pass on the other nine.
frenchman71 19 days ago
8/10. I guessed on the newer characters because I stopped watching in the 90s.
rubyslippers1234 19 days ago
8/10. Haven’t watched it in almost 30 years. Only watched with the original cast.
*Haven’t watched it regularly…
DethBiz 20 days ago
9 out of 10. Missed number two. I am old enough to remember when SNL was still actually funny.
frenchman71 DethBiz 19 days ago
I heard that.
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