Can you guess the TV show from the Thanksgiving episode?

Let's talk turkey. Can you identify these TV shows from a still of a Thanksgiving episode?


Let's talk turkey. Can you identify these TV shows from a single still of a Thanksgiving episode? 

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  1. Which family made their own Thanksgiving home movie?
  2. Which sitcom had this little pilgrim — and special guest David Ogden Stiers?
  3. Which family cooked a turkey over an open fire in the backyard?
  4. Which cop drama had these pilgrim kids?
  5. What fantasy-drama had these women gathering vegetables for Thanksgiving dinner?
  6. What show invited this turkey to dinner?
  7. What show asked you to the captain's thanksgiving dinner?
  8. What legal drama had this scene?
  9. What show had this cornucopia of turkeys?

Can you guess the TV show from the Thanksgiving episode?

Your Result...

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idkwut2use 51 months ago
Gobble-gobble! You got 9 correct!

You know your TV Thanksgivings!
Dario 51 months ago
A PERFECT 9!!!!! ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️😁😁😁😁😁
EllisClevenger 52 months ago
Gobble-gobble! You got 9 correct!
You know your TV Thanksgivings!
TexasGreek 61 months ago
Gobble-gobble! You got 9 correct!
SillyBillie 64 months ago
DIGGER1 64 months ago
Can you guess the TV show from the Thanksgiving episode?
Gobble-gobble! You got 9 correct!
You know your TV Thanksgivings!
I just got lucky.
DouglasMorris 64 months ago
7 correct! missed numbers 4 and 8.
idkwut2use 64 months ago
8; guess I'm thankful enough for that. ^^ And on the one I missed, I KNEW I should've gone with the right answer...
KellyShort 64 months ago
Gobble-gobble! You got 7 correct!
You know your TV Thanksgivings!...missed #5 & 6
MrsPhilHarris 64 months ago
8/9 Missed #3. 5 of these I have never seen.
Bret 64 months ago
Gobble-gobble! You got 8 correct!
Craigg 64 months ago
Gobble-gobble! You got 8 correct!
You know your TV Thanksgivings!
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