Can you match the correct TV mom to her kids?

We name the children, you name the mother.

It's never good to forget about Mother's Day. But how well do you remember other moms? We're talking about television moms in particular.

We've gathered the names of children characters from classic TV families — some are from sitcoms, some are from dramas. All you have to do is give us the character name of their mother.

Can you match the TV kids to the TV mom? Good luck!
  1. Marcia & Greg & Peter & Jan & Cindy & Bobby
  2. Lisa & Bart & Maggie
  3. Wally & Theodore
  4. Judy & Elroy
  5. Richie & Joanie & Chuck
  6. Eunice & Ellen & Vinton
  7. Keith & Laurie & Danny & Chris & Tracy
  8. Pugsley & Wednesday
  9. Marilyn & Eddie
  10. Alex & Mallory & Jennifer & Andy
  11. Denise & Theo & Vanessa & Rudy
  12. Mike & Carol & Ben & Chrissy
  13. Mary & Jeff & Trisha
  14. J.R. & Gary & Bobby
  15. Betty Jo & Bobbie Jo & Billie Jo
  16. David & Ricky
  17. John-Boy & Jason & Mary Ellen & Erin & Ben & Jim-Bob & Elizabeth Tyler
  18. Thelma & Michael & J.J.
  19. Nick & Jarrod & Audra & Heath
  20. Betty & Bud & Kathy

Can you match the correct TV mom to her kids?

Your Result...

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coffeecup 35 months ago
Some of the children are stepchildren Brady boys or niece Maril
yn on the Munsters.
ClassicTVnut 35 months ago
19/20 lots of good guessing. I knew #10, but somehow pushed the wrong button! Arrrgh!
AnnaRentzVandenhazel 35 months ago
And #9 is incorrect, Lily is Eddie's mother and Marilyn's aunt.
Mob39 51 months ago
You got 20 out of 20

You are quite the trivia expert! Well done! Now go call your family.
EllisClevenger 51 months ago
You got 20 out of 20
You are quite the trivia expert! Well done! Now go call your family.
ndebrabant 59 months ago
You got 18 out of 20
You are quite the trivia expert! Well done! Now go call your family.
Joe 59 months ago
HOLY COW…… I TOTALLY forgot that I took this quiz last year and I STILL got the same score! Those 80's shows, that I never watched, got me again!
Joe 66 months ago
EllisClevenger 67 months ago
You got 20 out of 20
You are quite the trivia expert! Well done! Now go call your family.
KatHat 71 months ago

You got 20 out of 20
You are quite the trivia expert! Well done! Now go call your family.

Wish they would put Petticoat Junction on at a time when I'm actually up and moving! LOL
JeffTanner 71 months ago
''You got 20 out of 20'' -------------------You are quite the trivia expert! Well done! Now go call your family.
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