Can you match the hidden talent to the correct TV star?

They already know how to act and create some of the highest-rated TV shows, but they also know how to surf and play the drums!


Many of these classic TV stars knew how to act, direct, produce and write, but they also had a few other tricks up their sleeves. These stars didn't excel at just one thing, they had a few other talents: surfing, poker and singing to name a few!

Today, we are looking at a handful of names you will recognize and it's up to you to figure out which star had which talent. 

  1. Which one of these M*A*S*H actors was also a very talented drummer?
  2. Which one of these stars from The Andy Griffith Show was a ventriloquist before gaining fame?
  3. Which one of these Bonanza actors was also a javelin champion?
  4. Which Gunsmoke star was an avid surfer?
  5. Which one of these Batman stars had a black belt in Taekwondo?
  6. This Beverly Hillbillies actor was also a successful and popular real estate agent in Beverly Hills:
  7. Which M*A*S*H actor was also a needlepoint artist?
  8. Which of these actors were a professional athlete?
  9. Which of these Star Trek actors was also a poet?
  10. Which M*A*S*H actor was a long-time student that studied the Greek language?
  11. This actor from The Waltons was very into horticulture and even became a vegetarian:
  12. This person was fond of performing and making folk music:
  13. Which of these Leave It to Beaver actors played poker with Rod Serling on a regular basis?

Can you match the hidden talent to the correct TV star?

Your Result...

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Dario 15 months ago
11 out of 13! Got No. 9 and No. 13 wrong. 😁😁😁😁😁
Mark 26 months ago
7 out of 13...there were a few I knew. I knew Michael Landon was a track star, I knew Chuck Connors played both pro baseball and basketball, I knew Pernell Roberts sang folk music because he had an album of his own and I knew that Leonard Nimoy was something of a poet. I guessed on the rest, pretty much...I figured that Will Geer was a vegetarian because he was something of a Bohemian type, but considering all the cartoon voices he did, I thought that Hal Smith was the ventriloquist among the Griffith cast, and here it was Don Knotts!
Mark Mark 26 months ago
I also know that Burt Ward was into Tae Kwon Do because he fought Bruce Lee in the Batman/Green Hornet crossover episode.
SheriHeffner Mark 26 months ago
I also thought it was Hal Smith.
SteveMcnary 26 months ago
Connors also played with the Brooklyn Dodgers & basketball with the Celtics. 11/13 even with a lot of guesses.
OVkid 26 months ago
Got them all except for Mrs. Cleaver being a poker player.
Moverfan OVkid 22 months ago
You suppose Ward knew about that...?
kwlcat 26 months ago
Chuck Connors was also a pro basketball player with the Celtics
TSeym22 26 months ago
4/13 Well, that was awful, but I only actually knew two of them for certain.
jackbennyfan 26 months ago
I didn't do well on the quiz. I never would have thought James Arness was a surfer.
Shakey14 26 months ago
I only got three right. I was very surprised with the right answers.
averagemilnerenjoyer 26 months ago
fun fact! martin milner (pete malloy of adam-12) was an avid fisherman, and participated in several fishing tournaments over the years. also hosted his own radio show about it titled 'let's talk hookup'.
JHP averagemilnerenjoyer 26 months ago
and that title of the show got past the censors :)
ELEANOR 26 months ago
All very interesting. It is good that they all had other interests as their shows eventually came to an end and these interests serve to keep them going.
LoveMETV22 ELEANOR 26 months ago
True for most of them. However javelin tossing, needlepoint and playing poker were probably not enough.
ELEANOR LoveMETV22 26 months ago
Many actresses and some actors have taken up needlepoint to fill in the hours they spend sitting around the set waiting . . . for lighting, cameras etc. to be set up. And sometimes when it fits in, certain characters can be seen during a scene working away on their needlepoint.
Moverfan ELEANOR 22 months ago
Watch reruns of Match Game--Gene Rayburn talks about doing needlepoint on plane rides to and from California [like Alan Alda, he lived on the East Coast] and different things he made. I remember one of the things he mentioned was a tennis racket cover.
JHP 26 months ago

and #13????? Really c'mon man
Tink1 26 months ago
6 out of 13. I obviously didn't know these lol
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