Can you match these ad mascots to their brands?

Who is the Kool-Aid man, really?


None of us particularly love being marketed at. So, when a brand does it well, and a campaign resonates with us, we forge a connection not just with the company, but also with the mascot that they're represented by.

So let's see how effective all those marketing efforts are. We'll name a mascot, you pick the company they shill for. Hopefully, they've done a good job, and you can identify all ten! 

  1. Dino the Dinosaur
  2. Elsie the Cow
  3. Speedee
  4. Sugar Bear
  5. Choo-Choo Charlie
  6. Farfel the Dog
  7. Sarah Tucker (played by Marge Redmond)
  8. Cornelius the Rooster
  9. Fred the Baker
  10. Alfred E. Neuman

Can you match these ad mascots to their brands?

Your Result...

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AnnieM 5 minutes ago
I never knew the "Time to make the donuts" character even had a name (Fred). Assuming that's the spot they're talking about, of course.
JamesDean59 28 minutes ago
8/10 The two I missed may have been before my time. I got Speedee though!
Ready2go 1 hour ago
9/10. Never heard of Speedee>
JamesDean59 Ready2go 1 hour ago
It was the first mascot of the first McDonalds in Downey, CA. I lived right behind it off Florence Ave and Lakewood Blvd for several years. Actually tried to buy it when it was up for sale years ago. Look it up on Google Earth. It's pretty cool.
AnnieM Ready2go 12 minutes ago
I only knew that one because of the name on his hat in old photos I've seen.
clovergirl 1 hour ago
8/10. Never heard of Farfel the dog, or Sarah Tucker, so I got those two wrong.
Didn't remember the Sarah Tucker name but I knew Marge Redmond (The Flying Nun) advertised Cool Whip. She also appeared as Sarah in commercials for JELL-O chocolate pudding with Bill Cosby (Pudding in a Cloud).
AnnieM clovergirl 8 minutes ago
re: Farfel the Dog - same here. Nestle Quick must be older than I ever knew, because I'm 60 and only remember ever seeing the rabbit since I was 7, 8 years old. BTW, did anyone else have those brown plastic 'milkshake' cups you could send away for with the logo on it? I think the rabbit may have been on them, too.
WILD 2 hours ago
You got 10 out of 10
You sure have been effectively marketed to!
JoonBug 2 hours ago
9/10. I guess I'm a little too young to remember Speedee for McDonald's?
Tresix 3 hours ago
8/10, I wasn’t even close to guessing 6 and 7.
STTOS 3 hours ago
You got 8 out of 10 - You sure have been effectively marketed to! Missed #1 and #3. Never heard of either mascot!! I'll take it.
Lacey 23 hours ago
9/10 I am really surprised I remembered Farfel the Dog as that has not come up in a really long time.
I had to guess at Speedy as my first thought was Alka-Selzer. The Sarah Tucker campaign I have never heard of. Good quiz.
JoonBug Lacey 2 hours ago
Same about Speedy. AlkaSeltzer did use one like that, right?
Ratt1959 1 day ago
You got 7 out of 10, missed no. 3,6 & 7
JHP 1 day ago
8/10 - Bring back Mad mag ; pleeze:)
Jeffrey 1 day ago
"You got 9 out of 10" -----"You sure have been effectively marketed to!"
Jeffrey Jeffrey 1 day ago
I got #6 wrong.
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