Can you match these Thanksgiving episode titles and plots to the correct TV shows?

Remember classics like "Thanksgiving Orphans" and "The Yalu Brick Road"?

 The Everett Collection

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather, even if they are fictional characters on a television show.

We gathered some of the most memorable Thanksgiving episodes in TV history. Well, the titles and a brief description. See if you can match them to the correct series!

  1. "The Un-Underground Movie": Greg enlists his family to create a documentary about the First Thanksgiving.
  2. "The Yalu Brick Road": A Thanksgiving turkey sickens most of the camp with salmonella.
  3. "An Ill Wind": Aunt Effie is trapped with the family during a tornado.
  4. "The First Thanksgiving": Marion tells a tale of the first Thanksgiving to remind everyone that the holiday is about fellowship, not football.
  5. "Turkeys Away": "Oh, the humanity!"
  6. "Thanksgiving Orphans": We finally get to see Vera. Well, not really.
  7. "Samantha's Thanksgiving to Remember": Gladys Kravits, the Stephens family, and Clara travel back to 17th-century Plymouth.
  8. "The Little Atheist": Dad and Mike lock horns over the soon-to-be-born baby Stivic's religion — or lack of it.
  9. "Elly's First Date": Mr. Drysdale persuades his stepson Sonny to go out on a date with Elly.
  10. "Gobble, Gobble, Dick, Dick": Mrs. Dubcek and her daughter Vicki come to a family's first Thanksgiving together.
  11. "Chip's Harvest": A neighborhood power outage threatens Thanksgiving.
  12. "No Nukes Is Good Nukes": An anti-nuke rally on Thanksgiving lands mom and dad in jail.
  13. "Over the River and Through the Woods": It's a stag Thanksgiving for Bob when Emily flies off to join a family reunion.
  14. "The Mom and Pop Store": Mr. Pitt wants to hold the Woody Woodpecker balloon in the parade.
  15. "Thanksgiving of '53": The Potters' home overflows with Thanksgiving guests.

Can you match these Thanksgiving episode titles and plots to the correct TV shows?

Your Result...

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Blondie7 3 months ago
14/15 Missed 14 never seen Seinfeld Friends or Mad About You. Wrong guess.

Jacki Blondie7 3 months ago
It was an o.k. episode of Seinfeld; not one of their best.
Moverfan Blondie7 2 months ago
I've seen one episode of Mad About You.

Unfortunately, it was Stealing Burt's Car...nothing at all to do with Thanksgiving.
Crisco 3 months ago
Gobble, gobble! You got 10 out of 15
geatornez82 3 months ago
13/15. Some of them were way too easy, especially if you're familiar with the characters from the show. Others not so much.
DanDolgin 3 months ago
10/13 Either I knew the answer or I didn't. All the missed answers reflected shows I never watched. #14, I could eliminate one answer but I still missed the question.
Adamtwelvia 3 months ago
Got 2 wrong, and one was a slip of the finger.
BradBeall 3 months ago
12 of 15, because some shows from the 70's really weren't that good.
CortneyNicole 4 months ago
13/15 Missed the last two, but I took a pretty good guess.
VladZu 4 months ago
The last question was answered by logic, not knowledge.
Although I am glad they threw it in. Never say a single episode of it.
Almost hit the wrong Bob Newhart.
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