Can you name all these celebrity guest stars on 'Mannix'?

When you watched Mannix, you were seeing stars.

Mannix got konked in the head. A lot. The detective was pistol-whipped, karate chopped and sucker punched. But he was one tough cookie. Mannix never stopped, even if he woke up seeing stars.

Speaking of seeing stars, Mannix also delivered dozens of great celebrity guests! Here are some of our favorites who appeared on the TV series. See if you can recognize them!

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  1. He could be found captaining which ship on classic TV?
  2. He was a regular character on Mannix. You know him best as which TV dad?
  3. Okay, how about this famous TV mom? You could find her on which series?
  4. Who is this legendary NBA player?
  5. You know this redhead better as…?
  6. He played which character on Batman?
  7. Speaking of Batman, this actress was once Catwoman. What is her name?
  8. Match this actor to the correct sitcom.
  9. There is one iconic TV figure in this shot. Who is it?
  10. Where could you find this actor in the 1970s?
  11. Where do you know her from?
  12. This legendary singer is known for which hit song?
  13. Finally, one more musical act. Name this rock 'n' roll. Hint: That's Neil Young on the upper right.

Can you name all these celebrity guest stars on 'Mannix'?

Your Result...

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JMGT 37 months ago
The good old days with Mannix Cannon kojak adam-12 and The Love boat and many more 😉
EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 12 out of 13
Swish! You nailed that one!
Missed #13
I absolutely LOVE Mannix and Peggy Fair!!!! Just wish they would’ve gotten together though. 😉
Mukusthebadd1 55 months ago
Maybe it's my internet, but NUMBER EIGHT IS MISSING TWO NAMES!
Ilovelalaw Mukusthebadd1 55 months ago
Me too! It really infuriates me when they screw up like this.
AnnieM Mukusthebadd1 34 months ago
Well, at least they were the wrong answers! 😃😆
Danky_Franky 56 months ago
10 outta 13! Call me Touch Jr.! (also, Tina Louise was hot!)
rycki1138 57 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Swish! You nailed that one!
AdrMky 57 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Swish! You nailed that one! and I have all 8 seasons DVDs
ndebrabant 65 months ago
You got 13 out of 13
Swish! You nailed that one!
TVFF 65 months ago
12/13. My early morning blurry eyes did me in on one picture.
STTOS 68 months ago
You got 13 out of 13 - Swish! You nailed that one! Was I the only one that for #8, the only option that appeared was the third one for Three's Company?
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