Can you name that Rankin/Bass Christmas character?

Don't make Santa put you on the naughty list!

 Rankin/Bass Productions

Today, we're quizzing you on popular characters that make appearances in your favorite Rankin/Bass Christmas specials! We'll give you a few clues, and you have to tell us this lovable character's name!

  1. First appearing in the 1964 special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, this elf dreams of becoming a dentist.
  2. This prospector befriends Rudolph and helps him on his journey before befriending the Abominable Snowman.
  3. This schoolgirl appears in the 1969 special Frosty the Snowman. She accompanies Frosty on his journey to the North Pole to save his life.
  4. This evil magician longs to steal Frosty's hat and take the magic for himself.
  5. In the 1970 special, Santa Claus is Comin' to Town, this mean old mayor rules over Sombertown with an iron fist until Kris Kringle arrives.
  6. This funny penguin is taken in by Kris, and joins him when he meets the Winter Warlock.
  7. In the 1974 special, The Year Without a Santa Claus, these two elves have been instructed by Mrs. Claus to locate some Christmas spirit.
  8. Who is the brother of Heat Miser?
  9. What is the name of the groundhog that narrates the 1979 special, Jack Frost?
  10. What name does Jack Frost take on when he becomes a human?

Can you name that Rankin/Bass Christmas character?

Your Result...

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Brad 2 months ago
Jack Frost has an animated special? Never heard of it.
Monica 3 months ago
Merry Christmas!🎄⛄🧑‍🎄
Monica 3 months ago
Woohoo!!!!! 10 outta 10! I love me some Christmas!
Coolrain 3 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
We'd let you guide our sleigh anytime!
epickett 3 months ago
8/10. I was doing fine until the last two. :-( Don't recall ever seeing Jack Frost...
soonersjlg 3 months ago
That was easy but I love all these classics!
VernCaldwell 3 months ago

Watch all of them many times a year. Growing up my father did not allow TV in our house so I am making up for that, so many years/decades later.
DeannaT 3 months ago
9/10 got #7 wrong. They rarely played that in Anchorage, well not enough for me to really know their names. But they would let me guide their sleigh anytime! Love all those classics. Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤️
Dajj 3 months ago
10/10 Luv those stop motion classics!!
TammyMeador 3 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
We'd let you guide our sleigh anytime!🎅⛄🎄
Jackhammer 3 months ago
10/10 I lived for the specials as a kid...
MeFanFromSavan 3 months ago
8/10 Missed the last two, got my drivers license that year.
kevopilis 3 months ago
9 for 10. I don't know if I've seen Jack Frost, but I have seen the Christmas classics, for the last 50 years
WGH 3 months ago

Watched these every year as a kid.

And I have to admit, of watch them as an adult over the years also. Now we have them on DVD for my kids.

These are all classics and should be required viewing. Lol.
GeorgiaReadenour 3 months ago
10/10....Love all the Christmas classic cartoons!!
RobertK 3 months ago
9 of 10. Just couldn't bring it home. I missed #10! That's OK, my score is still isn't "coal-worthy"! Hitch me up to the lead of the sleigh!!!
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