Can you name these crushes on The Brady Bunch?

Sometimes dates went well, sometimes plans fell through and sometimes the Brady hearts were broken... Do you know by who?

As the kids from The Brady Bunch got older, they went on more dates! Some stuck around longer than others, and some were just mentioned and never seen on the show. 

Take a look at these images and see if you can recall the names of these dates, girlfriends, boyfriends and crushes from The Brady Bunch!

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Sundays at 12 & 12:30 PM

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  1. This is Marcia's boyfriend, who dumps her for another girl. Do you recall his name?
  2. Jan has a crush on this kid, who is giving this look to Marcia! What is his name?
  3. After that didn't work out, Jan creates an imaginary boyfriend. Can you remember his name?
  4. This is Alice's boyfriend...
  5. Who is this girl who dates Greg while trying to become head cheerleader?
  6. Bobby crashes Greg's date with...
  7. This crush of Marcia is...
  8. Who dumps Marcia after she is hit with a football in this famous scene?

Can you name these crushes on The Brady Bunch?

Your Result...

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STTOS 13 months ago
You got 7 out of 8 - You'd certainly want to pick up if this score was calling.. Nice work! Gosh darn it, I missed #7. I saw Harold and clicked it without reading all the names. And Marcia is a pretty cool chick!!
bradyguy STTOS 3 months ago
Bit of a trick, that one. "Harold Axelrod" played Romeo in Season 3's "Juliet is the Sun". He DID look a bit like Harvey Klinger....nerd alert!!
Coldnorth 14 months ago
7/8 except for George Glass which I knew for sure, I guessed right on the rest
Chief_Ewiefee 14 months ago
Did anyone miss George Glass????
Mblack 14 months ago
This reminds me of the time Mark Hamill was hanging around Laurie on the Partridge Family. It's the one with her braces.
bradyguy Mblack 10 months ago
When she can tune in the radio on them??? Classic!
bradyguy Mblack 3 months ago
Quick triv - Mark Hamill played David in the pilot for Eight is Enough...but then got some Star Track movie or something instead...and the Grant Goodeve era began!!
Wenatchee7 14 months ago
8/8 super easy or I watched to much TV as a kid.
daDoctah 14 months ago
Hard to forget Jan's imaginary boyfriend. I was in a second-hand record store a couple of months ago and they had a Funko Pop set of "Jan Brady and George Glass". Jan was represented as the typical big head/no mouth likeness that Funko does, and George Glass was represented by...a glass.
RMen007 14 months ago
Had my crush too… Marcia, Marcia, Marcia 💕💞💓😮‍💨🤤😍😉☺️
LalaLucy 14 months ago
7/8 . Debated between Jennifer and Julie and went the wrong way. Sigh.
jackbennyfan 14 months ago
I got 4/8. Not bad considering I haven't watched the show since it first came out.
dodgebob 14 months ago
2/8, They were all Brady Hunches.
kkvegas 14 months ago
8/8, but I didn't remember many of them until I saw the list of choices. I did remember Sam the butcher, Harvey Klinger, and George Glass without prompting.
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