Did Eddie Haskell say that?!

Oh, good afternoon, Mrs. Cleaver.


Time for a quiz about everybody's favorite jerk.

Eddie Haskell said some pretty outlandish things. But he didn't say all these quotes. He only said some of them.

Let's see if you can tell the difference. Good luck! Be sure to share your score in the comments section below!

Watch Leave It to Beaver on MeTV!

Weekdays at 8 & 8:30 AM, Sundays at 1 & 1:30 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "What, you're gonna cry now? Come on, crybaby! Cry for me, come on! CRY!"
  2. "Hey, guys, like my new vest? I think it brings out the Peter Lawford in me."
  3. "Are you kidding? I've been in and out of every kind of trouble there is in school."
  4. "'Extremely dangerous. Keep out of reach of children.' Cool! What am I gonna blow?"
  5. "Your father gave me a funny look when I came in... like I'm a teenage werewolf or something."
  6. "I may not always win, but I never back out of a fight."
  7. "On account of the way he looks at me when he opens the door. Sometimes I think he'd be happier to see Khrushchev standing there."
  8. "You are an embarrassment to the game of pool and should be glad I even let you play at my table."
  9. "If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down, and beat, and beat!"
  10. "She can't get away with this if we all stick together! Norma? Helen? Sue!"?

Did Eddie Haskell say that?!

Your Result...

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frenchman71 6 hours ago
10/10. I know my LITB...heh, heh, heh. See ya later, Irma.
Rick 7 hours ago
9/10. One of the greatest characters in tv history.
texasparrow55 9 hours ago
8/10. Eddie would have been considered a fairly “good” kid these days. Lol
JayBurd texasparrow55 6 hours ago
He'd probably make the honor roll!
Some of these young people seem to have an IQ that matches their shoe size. Give'em cash at check and see them become confused.
RolyPolyPandaGirl 18 hours ago
9/10. All but one were guesses. Knew the Scot Furkus line from A Christmas Story. I’m pretty sure I have that movie memorized.
It was based on radio legend Jean Shepherd's book, he narrates the film.
Did you know he appears in the film? And most all the kids mentioned were
his real life pals from his hometown of Hammond.
sjbang88 18 hours ago
8/10 Eddie Haskell, Larry Mondello...the Cleaver brothers really knew how to pick 'em
MikefromJersey sjbang88 15 hours ago
I like Larry. The producers used him to subtly comment on child abuse.
He is almost always downcast, and just about every interaction with his parents that is
recounted involves them hitting him, even if presented humorously.
At the end of one show he laments to Beaver that after the latest pummeling, he was able to show his parents he was innocent of wrongdoing, but they tell him he deserved it anyway
as he no doubt did something else wrong they weren't aware of!
That's pretty hardcore for a kid's comedy, the producers getting a message across in the
subtext for the savvy viewer.
alliekat720 sjbang88 6 hours ago
I always thought the blonde boy, Gilbert, was a little snot. He always got Beaver in trouble.
frenchman71 alliekat720 6 hours ago
Not as much as Larry Mondelo.
sjbang88 MikefromJersey 3 hours ago
I like your obsevation
Poolboy13 20 hours ago
did they turn off the quiz making machine? been kinda skimpy with the quizes
Jacki Poolboy13 18 hours ago
You're right; there weren't too many today. Maybe they'll have more tomorrow. I also do that Blur quiz. It's fun, but if the answer I choose is wrong, the timer speeds up and the score gets lower with each wrong one I choose trying to get the correct answer. It's a week long quiz that begins on Sunday and ends on the following Saturday. Each day I go back to the quiz, which is on Sunday's quiz post. Then at the end of the week, it let's me know how good or bad I did. Today's question for the Blur Quiz was difficult for me...I scored a 57, yikes lol 😄. The day before I scored a 97. So I'll have to see how I score with tomorrow's question.☺️
Poolboy13 Jacki 18 hours ago
not too good at blur,myself i cant tell herman munster from matt dillion.and yeah it really does speed up when u pick the wronh one😤 well g'night sleep tight💤
Jacki Poolboy13 18 hours ago
When the Blur speeds up, I get anxious and start pressing the wrong answers.😄 Have a good night also...sleep tight too.☺️😴
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