Marcia, Marcia, Marcia? Can you remember which Brady said these quotes?

Or... Was it Alice?!

 CBS Television Distribution

With all those family members, it's no wonder The Brady Bunch has some very memorable dialogue!

There are plenty of well-remembered lines from America's favorite group that somehow formed a family, so let's see how well you remember who said them! Good luck, and share your score in the comments section below.

Watch The Brady Bunch on MeTV!

Sundays at 10 & 10:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "I'd like to buy a wig, please."
  2. "Well, the part where Romeo dies is sad. But where Juliet died is sad, too. But I think the saddest part of all is when Jan said, Who goes there? before Peter said, Hark!"
  3. "I’m not a snitcher; I just tell it like it is."
  4. "Not anymore. So considered yourself... Uninvited!"
  5. "You stop that Buddy Hinton!"
  6. "I am a little sunflower girl-loyal, brave and true."
  7. "If there's anything I can't stand, it's a perfect kid. And SIX of 'em? Yecch!"
  8. "Okay, if you hand it right over, I won't press charges."
  9. "I'm a shrimpo, a peewee, I'll never grow another inch as long as I live!"
  10. "At this point I'd SETTLE for a witch doctor."

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia? Can you remember which Brady said these quotes?

Your Result...

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jd4862 5 hours ago
4/10 It's been years, possibly decades, since I watched any of this show, and I wasn't a huge fan of it back then either.
KawiVulc 8 hours ago
6/10. Not so great but I did know #6!
ironman2000 8 hours ago
5 of 10 Not bad for me, since I haven't seen most of those episodes since I was the Brady kids age.
Poolboy13 9 hours ago
7/10 couple of guesses on this one.seen the series but quotes are tough.
10 out of 10, it helps when you own the series on DVD and I remembered who said what
gbell 19 hours ago
3/10 I’m not surprised cause I never watched it. But I knew about Alice for some reason. 😄 🎬 📺
MrsPhilHarris 19 hours ago
6/10 I watched some episodes when ME started airing it but gave up.
RolyPolyPandaGirl 19 hours ago
4/10. I was only sure about the wig one. To be honest, I hated The Brady Bunch. I tried watching a Christmas episode this year during my Christmas episode marathon and it just grated on my nerves. Not sure why. Maybe it’s too wholesome?
Glad to see I'm not the only one who didn't like the show, I tried to watch it twice back when it came out, but wound up turning the channel to something else.
kgmayhew 19 hours ago
Been a while maybe I have some time when I retire getting to watch the show.
suzannahnoelle 20 hours ago
10/10. But I cheated on #s 8 and 10.
How did you cheat? 🤔
KJExpress 22 hours ago
6/10. Well, it's been a while. 🤷‍♀️
MrsPhilHarris KJExpress 19 hours ago
Same score as me.
TheJackOfCups 22 hours ago
I watched this all the time as a kid, but I didn’t expect to do this well
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