Can you name these TV shows by their kitchens?

Now you're cooking.

The kitchen is one of the most common sets on television shows. It's the gathering place for a family on a sitcom. It's where a detective grabs a bite after a long day on the streets. Heck, some classic midcentury shows seemed to spend half their time in the kitchen.

So it should be easy to recognize these familiar sets, right? 

We snapped shots of kitchens from a dozen popular shows. Grab a bite to eat from the fridge and see if you can name all 12.

Illustrations: Thinkstock

Can you name these TV shows by their kitchens?

Your Result...

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Douglas 39 months ago
10/12! missed numbers 8 and 12.
DerekBird 39 months ago
You got 7 out of 12
Better luck next time. TV trivia is like cooking — the more you do it, the better you get.
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