Can you pick the correct lyrics from these often misheard TV theme songs?

"Schlemiel, Schlimazel…"

Image: iStock

You've heard your favorite theme songs hundreds of times. You know the tunes like the back of your hand. You can hum or whistle along to every sitcom from your youth…

But can you sing the lyrics? Even if you do, it can be challenging to recognize them in print without the music. Of course, some of us admittedly misheard these lyrics for years.

So, here is your task: We'll give you three options for commonly misheard lyrics in a TV theme song. You just have to pick the correct lyric. Good luck!
  1. Laverne & Shirley
     Image: The Everett Collection
  2. Happy Days
  3. The Flintstones
     Image: The Everett Collection
  4. The Brady Bunch
  5. The Mary Tyler Moore Show
  6. Car 54, Where Are You?
  7. The Love Boat
  8. The Beverly Hillbillies
  9. Saved by the Bell
  10. Wonder Woman

Can you pick the correct lyrics from these often misheard TV theme songs?

Your Result...

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GadgetDon 50 months ago
9 out of 10. I missed the Mary Tyler Moore theme, and I shouldn't have.
JERRY6 63 months ago
ndebrabant 76 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
Well done! You were paying attention during those opening credits! We admit, sometimes we go grab some pretzels real quick and miss a verse
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