Can you spot the TV show within the TV show?

Pick the fictitious TV show from these lists of real TV shows.

Over TV history, many sitcoms have taken us behind the scenes of fictitious TV shows within those sitcoms. From The DIck Van Dyke Show to The Mary Tyler Moore Show to 30 Rock, TV studios have proven to be great settings for hilarious antics.

But can you separate the fictitious TV shows you watched within your favorite shows from real long-running TV shows those shows were parodying? 

Try not to get lost picking through these lists below, which ask you to choose the fictitious show that does NOT belong on these lists of real shows. Good luck!
  1. Which of these is NOT a real variety show?
  2. Which of these is NOT a real DIY home repair show?
  3. Which of these is NOT a real talk show?
  4. Which of these is NOT a real late-night talk show?
  5. Which of these is NOT a real cooking show?
  6. Which of these is NOT a real morning show?
  7. Which of these is NOT a real sketch comedy show?
  8. Which of these is NOT a real cartoon show?
  9. Which of these is NOT a real news show?
  10. Which of these is NOT a real soap opera?

Can you spot the TV show within the TV show?

Your Result...

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Adamtwelvia 9 months ago
Got them all! Ted Baxter would be proud!
Coolrain 31 months ago
You got 8 out of 10
You're a TV genius, news at 11.
Pretty good for guessing at some.
MikeLutton 31 months ago
9 out of 10 most was lucky guesses
Dario 41 months ago
9 out of 10! Got #10 wrong! 😁😁😁😁😁
Debbie 49 months ago
9 out of 10. Missed #7. I never watched 30 Rock and never heard of Mr. Show with Bob and David
EllisClevenger 50 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You're a TV genius, news at 11.
DouglasMorris 55 months ago
10/10! I am a TV Genius. News at 11.
DarioWiter 55 months ago
9 out of 10! 😁😁😁😁😁
jerseyguy2468 55 months ago
You got 10 out of 10
You're a TV genius, news at 11.
LynCarceo 55 months ago
I missed the sketch comedy show. never saw any of them. 9/10
Jeremy 62 months ago
I'm really the first? Really? Well...what can I say but I got them all! Yes, I did.
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