Can you tell the difference between an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents and Black Mirror?

Which spooky series is this episode title from?

 Credit: NBC/Universal

If you're a fan of all things terrifying and suspenseful, chances are you've got the television series Black Mirror and Alfred Hitchcock Presents in your watch history. In this quiz, we'll give you an episode title, and you've got to tell us if it's an episode of Black Mirror or Alfred Hitchcock Presents!

Watch Alfred Hitchcock Presents on MeTV!

Weeknights at 1 AM & 1:30 AM

*available in most MeTV markets
  1. "Fifteen Million Merits"
  2. "Safe Conduct"
  3. "Nosedive"
  4. "USS Callister"
  5. "Smithereens"
  6. "The Creeper"
  7. "Wet Saturday"
  8. "One for the Road"
  9. "The Blessington Method"
  10. "Loch Henry"

Can you tell the difference between an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents and Black Mirror?

Your Result...

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8176Morgan 1 month ago
10/10 Never heard of Black Mirror but big fan of AHP. Seen all the episodes at least once. 💎
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texasluva 2 months ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. See you @
9 P.M. Sharp (Friday) CT. Stop by .
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
texasluva 2 months ago
Come one come all to the MeTv Friday Night Movie Quiz.and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly. Good luck and enjoy. See you @
KJExpress 2 months ago
Hi Tex. I'm at an office gathering. Don't know if I'll be home in time. Just wanted you to know. Hopefully I can make it!
texasluva 2 months ago
Okay. If you can't come on by later and pick out what you like.
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KJExpress 3 months ago
Well look who's back! We thought you had gone AWOL again!
AllisonWunderland 3 months ago
Lol, nope…just frustrating trying to do paperwork, etc. without my new 🤓
KJExpress 3 months ago
I can imagine. I don't need glasses to read or look at my phone or anything up close, just for distance. But I'd be in big trouble without them! 😵‍💫
texasluva 2 months ago
See you @
Where everyone can take a guess or make comments to other quizzers.
There will be extra bonus movies for just coming by. Including entertainment for all. Feel free to ask questions, copy movie links and just plain join in the fun via communication. The MQ will be up until the movie is guessed and an hour to look over and pick out what you wish. Have fun doing so. There are no wrong answers but the first one to guess the correct movie gets their names put up for getting it correctly.
Good luck and enjoy and check out the early Bird vids for quizzers
Pinkladybug 3 months ago
7/10. Black mirror is a great show if you are a fan of twilight zone or movies like “Us”. SoCal people visit Universal Studios and take the Alfred Hitchcock tour where you can see the when and how he did the show. Nothing like seeing the Bates Hotel mansion in person. I was probably the only 13 year old who subscribed to Alfred Hitchcock magazine. My weeknights are reserved for an episode of Twilight Zone and then two episodes of Alfred Hitchcock. Thank you MeTV!!!!
retro6 3 months ago
3/10. Don’t know Black Mirror
tootsieg 3 months ago
7/10. Never heard of Black Mirror.
TheSentinel 3 months ago
I'm not British and Black Mirror is a recent series I've never even heard of until now (had to look it up at Wikipedia), so I didn't take part in this quiz.
jodyh05 3 months ago
50% I would watch them but don’t remember them
shadowcat4654 3 months ago
Opp! I haven't seen black mirrors.
TheSentinel shadowcat4654 3 months ago
Me neither - never even heard of it until now.
DrDoDoo 3 months ago
10/10 "That's OK we all can't be masters of suspense"?!?!? I got all ten questions, I think I am.
kathyo 3 months ago
wont post my score... lol.. glad to see i'm not the only one who hadn't heard of black mirror
JHP 3 months ago
black mirror? Huh?

so in other words I need to throw $$$ at another goofy ; inane "cable" channel - thee only thing I FLIX is something green off of my index finger
Bone1969 3 months ago
9/10. Got the last one wrong. Lol.
ironman2000 3 months ago
7 of 10, I never even heard of Black Mirror.
harlow1313 3 months ago
I would likely give Hitchcock a go, were it not buried by METV. I do not care to DVR.
cperrynaples harlow1313 3 months ago
Go to Peacock, they have EVERY AHP & AHH!
harlow1313 cperrynaples 3 months ago
No, you go to Peacock!
cperrynaples 3 months ago
I'm not taking this test for one reason: Anyone who ever saw an episode of Black Mirror knows it wasn't patterned after AHP but The Twilight Zone! Get back to me when you fix this quiz...LOL!
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