Daily Star Trek Quiz: "Requiem for Methuselah"

In which the crew meets an ancient renaissance man!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 19: "Requiem for Methuselah." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Enterprise crewmembers are suffering from...
  2. What is the rare element key in creating an antidote?
  3. An old man named Flint stops the robot, ______, from attacking the landing crew.
  4. In Flints home are paintings by Da Vinci and an undiscovered score by which composer?
  5. What's the name of the woman Flint introduces to the landing crew?
  6. Who from the Enterprise reports that there are no records of Flint in the ship's computer?
  7. Kirk, Spock and McCoy discover that the woman Kirk loves is actually...
  8. Flint reveals he was born in...
  9. Kirk: "To be Human is to be _______. You can't avoid a little ugliness from within and from without."
  10. Who says... "At her age, I rather enjoyed errors with no noticeable damage."?

Daily Star Trek Quiz: "Requiem for Methuselah"

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djw1120 29 days ago
9 out of 10 and I consider myself a "Trekkie" so that's pretty good. I only missed number 9.
Snickers djw1120 29 days ago
Consider myself a Trekkie as well and also missed # 9
sjbang88 1 month ago
6/10 I absolutely do not remember this episode
ellswt 1 month ago
You got 8 out of 10

Phew... Threat neutralized!
frenchman71 1 month ago
7/10. Thought I'd do better on this. One of my favorite episodes. Kirk really fell for Rayna. Don't know why Flint was so heavy-handed with Kirk. The Enterprise came with good intentions with a dying crew. Flint knew he was superior to these visitors.
Flint was as heavy-handed as you'd expect, given his great age. It's a wonder he could resist telling Kirk to "get off my lawn!"
10 out of 10. Good episode, but Kirk should have been more upset over the death of Miramanee on the episode, The Paradise Syndrome over Rayna on this one.
On "The Paradise Syndrome" Spock did a mind meld with Kirk to snap him back to the "present" and he did not forget Miramanee and on "Requiem For Methuselah" Spock did a mind meld to make Kirk forget Rayna.
Both good episodes anyway.
Sway 1 month ago
6/10… 😐.
Kirk in love …again
Poolboy13 1 month ago
Flint was also a travelling salesman,selling blue buttons(in case someone pushed the red one)
Poolboy13 1 month ago
7/10 They didnt ask what was the serial # of the robot...or the androids
Jacki Poolboy13 1 month ago
TheJackOfCups 1 month ago
My worst Trek score ever. ☹️
sjbang88 TheJackOfCups 1 month ago
that's a good score for me
Jacki 1 month ago
8/10 "threat neutralized". Missed #9 and 10.☺️
Poolboy13 Jacki 1 month ago
somebodys been watchin star treeek!
Jacki Poolboy13 1 month ago
Sure have. But I have a feeling my good scoring will be short-lived. 😄
KJExpress Jacki 1 month ago
Same here! Makes me mad when I go flying through the quiz only to stumble right at the end. 🤨
Jacki KJExpress 1 month ago
I feel the same way. I was on a roll and was hoping I could ace it, but no such luck.🙄
MichaelPowers 1 month ago
8/10. Scriptwriter Jerome Bixby's first draft had Flint as having been Jesus, Moses and Pablo Picasso. NBC's Broadcast Standards did not want Jesus or Moses mentioned for fear of public outrage. Picasso was also dropped because he was alive at the time of this episode's first broadcast. According to researcher Joan Pearce, "attributing a fictitious work of art to a living artist can bring legal repercussions."
Rayna Kapec is named for Czechoslovakian writer Karel Capek who first coined the term robot in his classic science-fiction play R.U.R.
Flint's castle was the reused matte painting of the Rigel VII fortress in "The Cage." In the terrific remastered episode an entirely new castle was created.
The undercarriage of Flint's M-4 robot is a reused section of the upper carriage of Nomad from "The Changeling."
In the ST: TNG episode "The Offspring" Lal, an android created by Lt. Cmr. Data, also dies after she is overwhelmed by experience and love.
KJExpress MichaelPowers 1 month ago
I love how they re-use stuff on ST. 😄
deltadart 1 month ago
Spock- Are you a student of history sir?

Flint- I am.........................

You can detect the weariness of his reply.
Nova_Prime deltadart 1 month ago
Flint: "An interesting test of power. Your enormous forces against mine. Who would win ?"

An episode of Voyager had Janeway explaining that Kirk claimed he once met DaVinci.

RS1515 1 month ago
7/10. I remember that the Robot looked like it was made from a Stainless Steel mixing bowls and an old fashion pressure cooker.
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