Daily Star Trek Quiz: "The Apple"

In which there's a serpent in the garden of Eden!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 2, Episode 5: "The Apple". See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. Which member of the landing team declares that Gamma Trianguli VI makes him homesick?
  2. Who asks... "What did somebody say? That paradise must have looked like this?"
  3. Upon detecting a humanoid nearby, Kirk reports that it moves like a...
  4. McCoy revives Spock, who says the injection...
  5. Who is struck by lightning?
  6. Security Officer Mallory is killed by...
  7. Akuta introduces himself as the eyes of...
  8. Who informs Kirk that the Enterprise is trapped in orbit?
  9. Strangely, the planet's tribe doesn't have any...
  10. The giant snakelike cave gets angry in reaction to two villagers...

Daily Star Trek Quiz: "The Apple"

Your Result...

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Bapa1 4 months ago
6/10, bad episode, don't think I ever made it through watching it. But Hutch is in it, working undercover evidently.
frenchman71 4 months ago
8/10. I haven't seen this episode in a long time so I was rusty. Not one of my favorite episodes.
sjbang88 4 months ago
6/10 another pointless Star Trek episode pretending to be profound
Bapa1 sjbang88 4 months ago
Kirk talks another computer into a suicide.
FLETCH 4 months ago
3 out of 10. Highly illogical but not really since this is one of the weaker episodes for me.

Regardless, LLAP 🖖
MichaelPowers 4 months ago
9/10. "The Return of the Archons" did the same plotline, and much better than this inferior episode.
readysetgo 4 months ago
Too embarrassed to tell my score...I was just lost on the details, I never liked that episode!🤪
Mempatfan 4 months ago
10/10 322/340 to date. And now tomorrow night comes my all-time favorite Star Trek TOS episode. The Doomsday Machine. If I fail to get 10/10 on that, I should be drummed out of Starfleet Academy. 😂🤣
CaptainDunsel Mempatfan 4 months ago
Best of luck. Full speed ahead!
frenchman71 Mempatfan 4 months ago
Or you could be placed at the bottom of the promotion roster like Ben Phinney in "Court Martial".
edcrumpacker Mempatfan 4 months ago
Yes, "The Doomsday Machine" is one of my favorites also Mempatfan. Love William Windom as Commodore Matt Decker. 🖖🖖🖖
earthmark4 edcrumpacker 4 months ago
I always remember his line from this episode, don't you think I know that,they were there but not anymore, referring to his crew

edcrumpacker earthmark4 4 months ago
Yes, great line.
And my all-time favorite line: "I don't recognize your authority Mr. Spock" 🖖🖖🖖
Poolboy13 4 months ago
9/10 Great David Soul appearance.Everybody has bofon hairdos
Bapa1 Poolboy13 4 months ago
"Don't Give Up on Us, Baby."
edcrumpacker 4 months ago
9/10 Phew... Threat neutralized!
A young David Soul from Starkey and Hutch appears in this episode. "HIGHLY FASCINATING" 🖖🖖🛸🚀🪐🖖🖖
My sister would have said a "young David Soul from Here Comes the Brides".
Along with Bobby Sherman and Robert Brown, the "Bolt Brothers" had all
the girls in our school in love with them.
That was a good series, MeTV should run it on the weekend and give a breather to
Gilligan for awhile.
KJExpress MikefromJersey 4 months ago
I remember watching "Brides" as a kid. And I like the theme song from it. (Seattle) 🎶
MikefromJersey KJExpress 4 months ago
I forgot about that, it became a hit for Perry Como.
I remember that show. Didn't know David Soul was in it though, just remember Bobby Sherman. Hmmm 🤔
Mark Lenard, who played Spock's dad Sarek, also was in the cast, playing Aaron, the owner
of the saw mill. He was an outstanding actor, highly regarded for his acting range, he
would steal every scene he was in.
Yes, Mike, I do remember him in the show. I haven't seen that show in ages.
KJExpress MikefromJersey 4 months ago
Bobby Sherman sang it, too, but I prefer Perry's version. It's one of those songs that transports me right back to my childhood.
KJExpress 4 months ago
9/10. I forgot which crew member became the human lightning rod. ⚡️
Snickers KJExpress 4 months ago
Wow, great score.
KJExpress Snickers 4 months ago
Thanks! I thought I'd do poorly on this quiz. I don't care for this episode. 🤷‍♀️
Snickers 4 months ago
7/10 Not one of my better efforts. Off to the Mirror universe for some time in the agonizer booth after that score.
KJExpress Snickers 4 months ago
This was not one of my favorite episodes. I thought it was silly and those wigs were laughable. 😄
Snickers KJExpress 4 months ago
Yea a weak effort for a Trek episode but not as bad as some of the season three episodes were.
KJExpress Snickers 4 months ago
You're right about Season 3, although I do like "Day of the Dove."
Snickers KJExpress 4 months ago
Yes there were some good season three episodes. "Day of the Dove", "Spectre of the Gun", "The Enterprise Incident", "The Tholian Web" and "Elaan of Troyius" were the best of season three in my opinion.
KJExpress Snickers 4 months ago
Those are good episodes. I was watching "South Pacific" recently and a very young and sweet France Nuyen was in it. Such a contrast to the imperious and demanding Elaan.
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