Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Enterprise Incident''

In which Kirk and Spock engage in a little sabotage!

 CBS Television Distribution

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Journey to the stars each weekday with a chronological quiz testing your knowledge of each episode in order. Let's see how long we can all keep the streak going!

It's up to you to keep track of your score, and we work on the honor system here in the United Federation of Planets. Missed a quiz? Just click here, and you'll have the chance to catch up!

This quiz is about Season 3, Episode 2: "The Enterprise Incident." See which details you recall, and which you might need a little refresher on. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your score (cumulative or otherwise) in the comment section below!

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  1. The Enterprise is surrounded by...
  2. What's the name of the Romulan Sub-Commander who orders the Enterprise to surrender?
  3. The Romulans believe Kirk entered their space to steal a...
  4. Which member of the Enterprise crew cannot be coerced into speaking?
  5. Who responds to the Romulans from the bridge, saying he'll only accept orders from Captain James T. Kirk?
  6. It is revealed that Spock has been serving in Starfleet for how many years?
  7. Kirk is declared dead after being hit with what appears to be a...
  8. Who aboard the Enterprise mans the sensors to find Spock?
  9. Which of these is exercised?
  10. Who says... ""Just don't put me inside a bulkhead."?

Daily Star Trek Quiz: ''The Enterprise Incident''

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LarryMMM 1 month ago
10/10, and Joan Linville was a beautiful Romulan Commander....
Spaceseed 1 month ago
Joann Linvilles daughter recreates the Romulan character her mother brought to life in an episode of Star Trek Continues. A fan series on Youtube that is a must-watch for STOS fans.
mugens 1 month ago
8 out of 10, but mistaken missed one that I knew and by hitting the wrong answer trying to go too quickly.
sjbang88 1 month ago
5/10 Yay! my favorite ST quiz score. someday I'll break 5, until then....
RS1515 1 month ago
8/10 Question #9 and #6 were hard for me.
frenchman71 1 month ago
9/10. I shoulda read closer at #1. Romulans were using Klingon designs for their spacecraft. I'd have to say...this is my favorite "Star Trek" episode. To see the Enterprise surrounded by 3 Romulan warships. This had to be the end of the Enterprise.
Bapa1 1 month ago
9/10, decent episode. Girl was cute.
cperrynaples 1 month ago
I have a question: How does Shatner pronounce "sabotage" in this episode...LOL!
Presumably as a Canadian would.
I think it was "Sa-ba-tage" but rhyming with cabbage! George Takai also has pronounciation issues...LOL!
"Oh my", yes...
😂 As a Canadian I have never heard anyone pronounce sabatage so it sounded like the end of cabbage. It’s kind of like sa-buh-taz.
All I can say is I've heard ONE Canadian pronounce it the way Shatner does. (That would be Shatner, of course. )
Bugs Bunny got it right - sabatoogee.
deltadart 1 month ago

Kirk Standing on Bridge- "WARP FACTOR 9"...............
Mempatfan 1 month ago
9/10 545/570 Missed #6. I didn't remember that Spock had served in Starfleet for 18 years.
Bapa1 Mempatfan 1 month ago
.....and was only a Commander.
MikefromJersey 1 month ago

"Kirk is declared dead after being hit with what appears to be a...Vulcan death grip"

How can you be hit by a grip? That threw me off and I got the answer wrong.

The wording threw me, too, but I knew the "death grip" was involved so I chose it. There have been other times where the wording has thrown me off. 🤨
Bapa1 MikefromJersey 1 month ago
....better than being hit by Spock's fastball.
McCoy (when he yells at Spock), "What did you do?"
Spock: "I was unprepared for his attack. I instinctively employed the Vulcan Death Grip."
McCoy:"Well your instincts are still good, Mr. Spock. The Captain is dead!"
RS1515 frenchman71 1 month ago
Some Music group even made a song up about the Vulcan Death Grip in the 80s
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